Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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34. Jan de Herdt, Portrait of Louis Raduit de Souches, print (photo: National Library in Warsaw)
35. Jan de Herdt, Portrait of Johann Rottal, print (photo: National Library in Warsaw)

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ing Thomas (Fig. 32) although the attribution may be called in ąuestion when we compare
tbe ductile, broken strokes in the drawing with the powerful, energetic run of Herdt’s pen in
some of his drawings. The Doubting Thomas has no watermark, which makes any closer
Identification of the paper impossible. Because of all this I believe that the authorship will
remain unsettled until the painting, for which the drawing was a sketch, has been unearthed.
The attribution of The Wandering Jew (Fig. 33) is likewise difficult. The very fine red chalk
strokes —- so that in plaees the drawing is alinost invisible — preclude detailed comparative
analyses. Where the drawing is morę distinct, especially in the contours of silhouettes reminiscent
of Jordaens’s figural compositions, the stylistic affinity with other drawings by Herdt seems
morę evident. The drawing in ąuestion has a watermark, the monogram PL (?), that I have not
been able to locate in watermark lexicons.

In the late 1660s, Herdt contributed to the monumental work dedicated to Emperor Leopold I,
a book by Gualdo Priorato, entitled Historia di Leopoldo Cesare, published in Vienna in 1670—74.
The book contained numerous prints, mostly portraits of State dignitaries and commanders
who had their share in the Emperor’s military success (there were many Poles among them),
topographic plans, battle-pieces, etc. They were mostly designed and executed by Flemish
artists — though Germans and Italians also participated — actiye temporarily at Leopolds I’s
court, including Jacob Toorenvliet, Adriaen Bloemaert, Cornelis Meyssens, Fr. van der Steen,
Gerard Bouttats, Moritz (Mauritius) Lang, Johann Martin Lerch, Cesare Laurentio, et al. Jan
de Herdt was highly ranked among them because of the artistic standard of his prints. He de-
