Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 29.1988

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2-3
DOI Artikel:
Ławniczakowa, Agnieszka: In the Mirror of a Well: On Jacek Malczewski's self-portraits
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10. Jacek Malczewski, Self-porłrait in Armour, 1914, Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe

19. We find confirmatitms of it whenevcr we Iiave an insight into the art of thc period, and the accuraulating, modified and
ohangcable interpretations of it. Cf. cg. W. Hofmaim, Pas irdische Paradies. Kunst im neuzehnten Jahrhundert. Municbj
1960; Hans H. Hostatter, Symbolismus und die Kunst der Jakrkundertwende. Koln, 1905; R. Goldwatcr, Symbolizm.
New York; Ph. Jullian, The Symbolists. London, 1973.

20. Cf. Z. Przesmycki, „Maurycy Maeterlinck i jego stanowisko we współczesnej poezji belgijskiej" (Mauriee Maeterlinck and 1 is
Position in Contemporary Belgian Poetry) in an introduction to M. Maeterlmck'a selected dramas, WarszaWat
1894, p. LXVIII.

21. The aspect of sacredness, inseparable from symbolio tbinking, is cspecially emphasised in the anthropology uf culturc and
history of religion. See cspecially M. Eliadc, Das Heiligc und das Profanc, Hamburg, 1957.

22. Stanisław Wyspiań>ki\s outpUt as a plavwright providea one of the best eocamples of this attitude. Cf. cg., E. Miodońska-
-Brookcs, Wawel — „Akropolis". Studia o dramacie Stanisława Wyspiańskiego (Wawel. „Acropolis". Studies on Stanisław
WyspiańsŁTs Drama), Kraków, 1980. A. Morawińska bas recently revcalcd the bitberto unsuspected symbuliu wealth in bis
output in the visual arLs, uamely, the „Widoki z okna pracowni artysty na Kopiec Kościuszki" (Vicws of thc Kościuszko
Hilł from the Window in thc Artist's Studio) cf, A. Morawińska , ,A Vicw from the Window", Can a dtan-American Slavic Stu
dicst 21,Nos. 1 — 2 fSpring-Summer 1907), p, 57 — 78. The interpenetration of myth, history, artistic tradition and personal
expcrien.ee witb regard to J. Malczewski^ entire oeuvre has becn oovered the most at lengih by K. Wyka: Thunutos
i Polska fsy/i o Jacku Mał&moskim (Thanalos and Poland or on Jacek Malczewski), Kraków, 1971.
