Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of the mass. The draperies of two mid-century groups of the Annunciation, published in the
Boston Bulletin of Fine Artsu may be also taken into consideration here — however, in eompari-
son with their dispositions of the folds the clothes of the Warsaw group display a sharper
folding of the draperies, clearer patterns. They seem to be more maturę and yet not enter in the
phase of specific „over!oading" of the draperies with folds as in the case of a statuę of the
Virgin Mary and the Child in the Museum of Fine Art in Budapest20

The above considerations allow to assume that the alabaster group of the Pieta in the National
Museum in Warsaw is a product of the Franco-Netherlandish circle about 1450.

19. H.E. Bolles Fund., defir.ed as „Franco-Netherlandish, ca. 1450" in Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 1957
(the issue commemorating Professor Georg Swarzeński), V, No 301—302.

20. Budapest, The MuMum of Fine ArU, No Iny. 5177.

Translated by Stefan Makowiecki

7. Jean Tavernier (The Southern Netherlands), a miniaturę to the Chronicles of Charles the
Great by D. Aubert (text of 1458): The courtiers from the scenę of the Royal Feast (after Mittełal-

terlichen Miniaturen)
