Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Nemesis1. But the most remarkable innovation of the period remains to be
mentioned. The gems in question all represent the nude and agile figure, not
merely with well-marked forelock and smooth occiput, but also with a full beard.
This can only mean that the verbal misuse of kairos for chronos2 has led to a
corresponding typological confusion of Kairos with Chronos.

It is, indeed, likely that confusion became more confounded, since Chronos
was constantly interchanged with Kronos3 and Kronos too appears as a bald-

Fig. 799.

headed god hastening along with a sickle-knife in his hand4. Thus we reach the
singular result that Kairos ' youngest of the sons of Zeus ' has actually been
transformed into a figure resembling that of his own grandfather Kronos5, while
by a further surprising coincidence Kronos, as we have seen0, is derivable from
the same root as Kairos.

Others distinguished the types and continued to portray Kairos as a youthful
god. A relief at Turin (fig. 799)7 shows him, with forelock and tonsure, balancing

1 H. Posnansky Nemesis und Adrasteia Breslau 1890 p. 113. See also supra pp. 99
n. 1, 734 n- 3-

2 C. A. Lobeck in his ed. of Soph. At. Lipsiae 1835 p. 85 n.*.

3 Supra p. 374.

4 Supra p. 550 fig. 426.

5 We are almost reminded of Zagreus the shape-shifter, who appeared now as a
youthful Zeus, now as an aged Kronos {supra i. 398 f., 647).

s Supra p. 549 n. 6.

7 A. Rivautella—J. P. Ricolvi Monumenta Taurinensia Augusts Taurinorum 1747
ii. 4 ff. no. 11 with pi., E. Curtius ' Die Darstellungen des Kairos' in the Arch. Zeit. 1875
xxxiii. 5 f. pi. 1, 1 (photograph of cast = my fig. 799), H. Heydemann Winckelmannsfest-
Progr. Halle 1879 p. 35 Turin : Museo Lapidario no. 1 (thinks the slab a modern copy of
an ancient relief: unconvincing), H. Diitschke Antike BUdwerke in Oberitalien Leipzig
1880 iv. 73 f. no. 117, Friederichs—Wolters Gipsabgiisse p. 751 no. 1897, A. Baumeister