Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Appendix A

Having rung the changes from youth to eld and from male to female, this
Protean personage reappears in Byzantine letters and art, sometimes under the
old name of Chronos, sometimes under the new name of Bios.

Georgios Kedrenos (c. noo A.D.) states that the masterpieces collected in
the House of Lausos1 at Constantinople included 'the figure by Lysippos repre-
senting Chronos, bald behind, long-haired before2.' Kedrenos' statement is very
possibly true3, though Lamer infers from the name Chronos that we have here
to do, not with the original Lysippean figure, but with a bearded copy of it4
Again, Ioannes Tzetzes (born c. mo A.D.) in his historical poem twice over
informs us that, when Alexander had let slip an opportunity, Lysippos of Sikyon
made him an effigy of Chronos

' Deaf, bald behind, wing-footed on a sphere,
And offering naught but a knife to his follower5.'

Tzetzes further spends a score of lines on insisting that this was Chronos, not,
as sundry wiseacres maintained, Bios6. He had already said the same thing in
greater detail in one of his letters7. And, after him, Nikephoros Blemmydes
(i 197/8—1272 A.D.) describes the group in almost identical terms8. We gather

Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 157 f. fig. 6 proved that they are Nemesis and theNemeseis ; and
P. Perdrizet loc. cit. p. 267 suggested the Nemesis of Alexandreia and the Nemeseis of
Smyrna {supra i. 270 fig- 197, 273). Cp. A. Legrand in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant.
iv. 54 fig. 5300, Reinach Rep. Reliefs ii. 174 no. 3, Lamer loc. cit.

1 On this see Kodinos de signis Constantinopolitanis 21 c (p. 37 f. Bekker) = Anonymos
Trdrpia 2. 36 (p. 170, 4 ff. Preger).

2 Kedren. hist. comp. 322 C (i. 564 Bekker) Kal to tov xpovov fJ-ifJ.oifj.evov dyaXfxa, epyov
Avaiirirov, 'biriaQev fjev <f>a\a.Kpbv, efXTrpocrdev de KofjQiv.

3 See A. Frickenhaus in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutseh. arch. Inst. 1915 xxx. 127.

4 Lamer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1511 f.

5 Tzetz. chil. 8. 428 ff., 10. 264 ff.
8 Tzetz. chil. 10. 275 ff.

7 Tzetz. epist. 70 (p. 61 Pressel) ' A\e^dvdpip wore tQiv ~Sla.Ke86vtov /3a<riXe? irapadpa/j.-
ovtl Kcupbv Kal fierafjeXov tretpav \a/3bvTi irapdiv eKeivos 6 ir\daT7]s 6 Avcrnnros, 'Zlkvwvlos 5'
i]v 6 dvrjp, deibrare dearrora, lis ovt aKivdvvov ewpa tov /3atnXea e\eyxetv, oiVe fxrjv trdvTr)
d^rjfjiov to fii] TTjv eTepwv SianapTiav erepois woielodaL SiSdaKciXov, ttjv dfupoTepwv KaKiav
€KTre<j)evyLos ao<pu>s dfX(poTepa eSpaaev. iv eiKovi Kal yap Tbv XP0V0V dya\fiaTU3<ras tov re
fiaaikea ra fjr] SoKelv e\eyxeiv KOfffjiws e^7]\ey^e Kal t<2 KOivip twv dvdpdoirwv irpaKTLKJjv tov
\olttov tt]v eiKova wapaiveaLv KaTa~\e\oiirev. exei de ovTwal to eiKoviafja. dvdpwirbs ris 6
Xpovos eKeivip Sedripuovpyr/Tat, irpoKofuov 'exwv @PaXvi T^ 5' aXXa OTriffdo(pd\aKpos Kal Kwtpbs
'iKavuis, cos eo~Tiv eiKaaai, Kal yvfjvos evTiv cbs 8io\io~dalvwv Kal dva<prjs ' pe^Ke 8e eirl cwpaipas
evdpofjov Tivbs fxeTapiwTd^v avTov toIs iroalv iKeivrjv b^vKLV'/jTtos, cis r\ tCov ttoSwv vTraivLT-
rerai irTepwais. tKeivov 8e KaTOiriv eVepos 5eb~r)fj.iovpyr)Tai dvdpoiiros evrbvu) KexPVfJ^voi
(SaSiafjaTL, Xe'P<* T€ ISlav eKTeivuv, eKeivov ws avWrj\f/6fjevos Kal tovtov fJ.eTaKa\ovfJ,evos, ci>s
to dveenraafxevov avTov twv xetXfW Srj\ol • 0 Se irapepxeTa'i re Kal oixerai Kal Kwcpevuv ovk
eiratei, fxdxo-t-pav Se opiyei irpbs to KaTOiriv eiravaTeivwv tt\v xe<Pai KaraKapSiovs 7rX?77<xs
aiviTTOfjevos, a'itrep eyylvovTai rois xpovov KadwTepl^ovaiv. ovtw ttus corpus 6 Ai5cri7r7ros
ivovdeTr/ae fj-i) KadvcrTepi^eiv Kaipov, ToiauTj] tov Xpbvov dva<jTr)\u)tras yparpfj, Kdv aKaipyyo-
povvTes 5oKT]TLai TLves aKpiTUS elvai (3lov ravT-qv TrapaXrjpwffiv eiKoviafja, fj.7] avvievres ws k.t.X.
Cp. epist. 95 (p. 86 Pressel) Kwtpbv diov tov wapoixofi-evov xpbvov Aijcmnros fxev ifaypdepycre,
k.t.X. with schol. A.B. efaypdrpriffe- dvri tov tjvSpiavTovpyriaev ' 6 Ai;iTi7r7ros yap dvSpiavTO-
iroLOS, ov £wypd<pos.

8 Nikeph. Blemmyd. oratio quale in oporteat esse regent 10 (in A, Mai Scriptorum
veterum nova collectio Romae 1827 ii. 638) \eyovai rives ort Kal Avaiiriros b faypdrpos eKetvos
b ~2,lkvijjv'lols {leg. Stfcuwctos) (3ov\r}6els faypacprjaai Kal ws ev -irapaSeiyfjaTL dei^at {leg. deii^ai)