Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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866 Appendix A

the Duomo at Torcello near Venice. The relief, which may be dated c. 1100 A.D.,
represents Bios as a half-naked youth hastening on winged wheels from right to
left. His left hand, stretched forward, carries the scales; his right, drawn back-
ward, brandishes a knife. In front of him stands a young man, who succeeds in
grasping his hair. Behind him stands an old man, who fails in the attempt. To

Fig. 802.

the left of the former is Nike with wreath and palm; to the right of the latter is
Metanoia in an attitude of despair. Less elaborate is the symbolism of a later
epigram on the same subject by Manuel Philes (c. 1275—c. 1345), who speaks of
life {bios) as a nude youth, with bald head and winged feet, admonishing a frus-
trated follower1.

in Italia dal secolo VI al mille circa Vene/.ia 1888 p. 287 fig., trans. Contessa I. Curtis-
Cholmeley in Bermani London 1896 p. 334 ff. fig. 165 = my fig. 802) and by A. Munoz
from a photograph (A. Munoz in I?Arte 1906 ix. 214 f. fig. 2). The completed design is
discussed by R. von Schneider ' Ueber das Kairosrelief in Torcello und ihm verwandte
Bildwerke' in the Serta Harteliana Wien 1896 pp. 279—292 with figs., P. Perdrizet in
the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1912 xxxvi. 264 ff. fig. 2, Lamer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x.

R. Cattaneo loc. cit. was the first to assign this relief to its right place among the
decorative sculptures of s. x and s. xi A.D. A. Munoz locc. citt. first showed that the
central figure was that of Bios.

1 Philes car in. 67 (i. 32 Miller) eh /xetpd/cioi' yvfivov, dKova cpepov rod fiiov
(pevyu, TTTepuros ei/xi' tL \a[3eli> d^Xets;
ras rpixas; d\\' ippevaav. dXXa tovs 7r65as;
Kai 7twj Trrepwrovs evpedevTas av \dj3ois;
to ffco/xa; yi'ixvbv ecrri • t'l crirevdeis fxa.t7)v;