The Mountain-cults of Zeus 869
'of the Peak1,' Zeus Aktaios 'of the Point2,' Zeus Akraios 'of the Summit3,'
that the last date agrees best with the lettering. He pointed out that a little lion in white
stone, found in 1863 at the foot of the hill on which the church stands, may well have
been one of the two lions here mentioned. G. F. Hill in the Jonrn. Hell. Stud. 1911
xxxi. 57 notes that 'the lion, as an inhabitant of the mountain rather than the plain, is
naturally sacred to the mountain deity' [cp. 2 Kings 17. 25 f.], in this case to the Mountain
Baal, Hellenised as Zeus "Opeios, whose consort Astarte (?) rides a lion on coppers of
Sidon struck by Severus Alexander (G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Phoenicia
pp. cxiii n. 6, 198 pi. 25, 8).
Zeus 'Opofxirdras. E. Sittig in Hermes 1915 1. 158 f. publishes a dedication on a block
of dark limestone at Amathous in Kypros: Kinrp/////////// | IIoXv^vov: Alvidv[os 8v]ydri]p:
Eu/3t6ra | Wavalriov Ho\vi;evov Aiviava, [ Albs 'Qpop-irara iepea, rbv ai/rrjs avdpa, \ avrri Kal
rd iraidia. The lettering suggests s. iiiB.C. ; and Sittig regards 'Opo-pnrdras as =6peif3drT]s
('Offenbar neigte das Kyprische dazu, /3 spirantisch zu sprechen; da in dem Dialekte der
Ainianen /3 Verschlusslaut blieb, vollends in einem sakralen Worte, so half man sich bei
der Schreibung so, dass man Mil statt des B setzte, mit dem die Eingeborenen einen
anderen Lautwert verbanden'). This is ingenious; but, apart from the fact .that/x-tt for
/3 is unexampled at so early a date, 6pei(3drrjs is an epithet which suits Pan [Anth. Pa1
16. 226. 1 (Alkaios of Messene)) rather than Zeus. I suspect that Zeus 'Opopnrdras was a
god of streams worshipped by the Ainianes. We hear of Ainianes as settled in Kirrha
the harbour of Delphoi (Plout. quaestt. Gr. 13 and 26), and of bpep-irbr-qs as a Delphic
term for 'river' (Plout. de Pyth. or. 24 drvkiravae de rrjv Ilvdlav 6 6ebs wvpuc&ovs p.ev
ovo/xd^ovaav rovs avrrjs woXiras, oipiofibpovs de rovs 27ra/mdr<xs, opedvas de robs avdpas,
ope/xworas de rovs Trora/novs). On this showing Zeus 'Opop-wdras resembled his neighbour
Zeus Ndtos, a god 'of Streaming Water' {supra i. 369). The head of Zeus on coins of the
Ainianes {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Thessaly etc. p. 10 ff. pi. 2, r, 4, Head Hist, num.2
p. 292), which in the case of coppers struck c. 168—146 B.C. often has a thunderbolt in
the field (so on two specimens in my collection), may be that of Zeus 'OpopLirdras.
1 Zeus KopvipaTos. Seleukeia Pieria, at the foot of Mt Koryphaion (Polyb. 5. 59. 4),
had a priest of Zeus 'OXtipLTrios and Zeus Kopvcpaios {Corp. inscr. Gr. iii no. 4458, 3f., 3ft".,
= Dittenberger Oritnt. Gr. inscr. sel. no. 245, 3 f. Aws 'OXvpnriov j Kal Atos Kopixpalov,
27 ft. Atds '0\vfj,TTLOv [/cat] I r&v Oe&v rwv | H,wrr)p\_uv^\ Kal Aibs \ Ko[pv<p~\aiov, cp. Liban.
legal, ad Julian. 79 (ii. 152, rof. Foerster) rbv A/a rbv re eirl rijs Kopv<pr}s Kal rbv ev darei,
Trap' Sv eiarfkdes xnraros, bdev e^rfKdes dappuv, if yeyovas 6<fieiXerris). Philadelphia in Lydia,
at the base of Mt Tmolos, also had a cult of Zeus Kopv<pdios {supra
p. 285 n. o no. (3) and Addenda ad loc), whose head is seen on an im-
perial bronze coin of the town {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lydia p. 190
pi. 21, 9 = my fig. 804 (from a cast), Head Hist, num.2 p. 655). The
title has a variety of meanings in Paus. 2. 4. 5 (Corinth) virep he to
dearpbv eanv lepbv Atos YLaireruiKiov cpwvfi rrj Pco/xatco^- Kara 'EXXdoa
de yXQaaav Kopv<paws ovop-d^oiro av, Aristeid. or. 1. 8 (i. 11 Dindorf)
odros (BaaiXevs, TroXieiJS, Karaif3drr)s, verios, ovpdvcos, KOpvcpalos, Trdvd: bo~a Fig. 804.
avrbs evpe pieydXa Kal eavrui irpeirovra 6vbp.ara, Max. Tyr. diss. 41. 2
Diibner rbv Ala...rbv Kopv<pa?ov rrjs ruiv aarpuv irepupopds Kal divrjo~ews Kal xopelas Kal dpop.ov,
cp. Ioul. or. 7. 230 D dyaywv de avrbv errt n fxeya Kal ii^rfKov opos, 'Eirl rovrov, 'icpr), ttjs
Kopucprjs 6 irarrip irdvrbiv Kadrjrai tGjv Oewv, Cic. de nat. deor. 3. 59 (Minerva) quarta love
nata et Coryphe, Oceani filia, Clem. Al. protr. 2. 28. 2 p. 21, 1 f. Stahlin {supra i. 155
n. 10, to which add Arnob. adv. nat. 4. J4 and 16), Orph. h. Posad. 17 b. 3 (Poseidon) 8s
vaLeis Kopvrpalos eTr' OvXupLiroio Kapr)vuv, Paus. 2. 28. 2 eirl de rrj d/cpa rod opous {sc. of
Mt Koryphon near Epidauros) Kopvcpaias ecrrlv lepbv 'Aprepudos, Steph. Byz. s.v. Kopvcpalov ■
opos ewl rip 'YiTribavp'up, ev w rip.drai " "Kopvcpaia.
2 Zeus 'Aktcuos. Dikaiarch. 2. 8 (Geogr. Gr. min. i. 107 Mttller) £7r' aKpas be rr)s rod
opous {sc. of Mt Pelion) Kopv<pr)s o-ir-qXalbv eari to Ka\ovp.evov Xeipibviov, Kal Atos 'AKralov
[3 For note 3 see p. 871.]
'of the Peak1,' Zeus Aktaios 'of the Point2,' Zeus Akraios 'of the Summit3,'
that the last date agrees best with the lettering. He pointed out that a little lion in white
stone, found in 1863 at the foot of the hill on which the church stands, may well have
been one of the two lions here mentioned. G. F. Hill in the Jonrn. Hell. Stud. 1911
xxxi. 57 notes that 'the lion, as an inhabitant of the mountain rather than the plain, is
naturally sacred to the mountain deity' [cp. 2 Kings 17. 25 f.], in this case to the Mountain
Baal, Hellenised as Zeus "Opeios, whose consort Astarte (?) rides a lion on coppers of
Sidon struck by Severus Alexander (G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Phoenicia
pp. cxiii n. 6, 198 pi. 25, 8).
Zeus 'Opofxirdras. E. Sittig in Hermes 1915 1. 158 f. publishes a dedication on a block
of dark limestone at Amathous in Kypros: Kinrp/////////// | IIoXv^vov: Alvidv[os 8v]ydri]p:
Eu/3t6ra | Wavalriov Ho\vi;evov Aiviava, [ Albs 'Qpop-irara iepea, rbv ai/rrjs avdpa, \ avrri Kal
rd iraidia. The lettering suggests s. iiiB.C. ; and Sittig regards 'Opo-pnrdras as =6peif3drT]s
('Offenbar neigte das Kyprische dazu, /3 spirantisch zu sprechen; da in dem Dialekte der
Ainianen /3 Verschlusslaut blieb, vollends in einem sakralen Worte, so half man sich bei
der Schreibung so, dass man Mil statt des B setzte, mit dem die Eingeborenen einen
anderen Lautwert verbanden'). This is ingenious; but, apart from the fact .that/x-tt for
/3 is unexampled at so early a date, 6pei(3drrjs is an epithet which suits Pan [Anth. Pa1
16. 226. 1 (Alkaios of Messene)) rather than Zeus. I suspect that Zeus 'Opopnrdras was a
god of streams worshipped by the Ainianes. We hear of Ainianes as settled in Kirrha
the harbour of Delphoi (Plout. quaestt. Gr. 13 and 26), and of bpep-irbr-qs as a Delphic
term for 'river' (Plout. de Pyth. or. 24 drvkiravae de rrjv Ilvdlav 6 6ebs wvpuc&ovs p.ev
ovo/xd^ovaav rovs avrrjs woXiras, oipiofibpovs de rovs 27ra/mdr<xs, opedvas de robs avdpas,
ope/xworas de rovs Trora/novs). On this showing Zeus 'Opop-wdras resembled his neighbour
Zeus Ndtos, a god 'of Streaming Water' {supra i. 369). The head of Zeus on coins of the
Ainianes {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Thessaly etc. p. 10 ff. pi. 2, r, 4, Head Hist, num.2
p. 292), which in the case of coppers struck c. 168—146 B.C. often has a thunderbolt in
the field (so on two specimens in my collection), may be that of Zeus 'OpopLirdras.
1 Zeus KopvipaTos. Seleukeia Pieria, at the foot of Mt Koryphaion (Polyb. 5. 59. 4),
had a priest of Zeus 'OXtipLTrios and Zeus Kopvcpaios {Corp. inscr. Gr. iii no. 4458, 3f., 3ft".,
= Dittenberger Oritnt. Gr. inscr. sel. no. 245, 3 f. Aws 'OXvpnriov j Kal Atos Kopixpalov,
27 ft. Atds '0\vfj,TTLOv [/cat] I r&v Oe&v rwv | H,wrr)p\_uv^\ Kal Aibs \ Ko[pv<p~\aiov, cp. Liban.
legal, ad Julian. 79 (ii. 152, rof. Foerster) rbv A/a rbv re eirl rijs Kopv<pr}s Kal rbv ev darei,
Trap' Sv eiarfkdes xnraros, bdev e^rfKdes dappuv, if yeyovas 6<fieiXerris). Philadelphia in Lydia,
at the base of Mt Tmolos, also had a cult of Zeus Kopv<pdios {supra
p. 285 n. o no. (3) and Addenda ad loc), whose head is seen on an im-
perial bronze coin of the town {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lydia p. 190
pi. 21, 9 = my fig. 804 (from a cast), Head Hist, num.2 p. 655). The
title has a variety of meanings in Paus. 2. 4. 5 (Corinth) virep he to
dearpbv eanv lepbv Atos YLaireruiKiov cpwvfi rrj Pco/xatco^- Kara 'EXXdoa
de yXQaaav Kopv<paws ovop-d^oiro av, Aristeid. or. 1. 8 (i. 11 Dindorf)
odros (BaaiXevs, TroXieiJS, Karaif3drr)s, verios, ovpdvcos, KOpvcpalos, Trdvd: bo~a Fig. 804.
avrbs evpe pieydXa Kal eavrui irpeirovra 6vbp.ara, Max. Tyr. diss. 41. 2
Diibner rbv Ala...rbv Kopv<pa?ov rrjs ruiv aarpuv irepupopds Kal divrjo~ews Kal xopelas Kal dpop.ov,
cp. Ioul. or. 7. 230 D dyaywv de avrbv errt n fxeya Kal ii^rfKov opos, 'Eirl rovrov, 'icpr), ttjs
Kopucprjs 6 irarrip irdvrbiv Kadrjrai tGjv Oewv, Cic. de nat. deor. 3. 59 (Minerva) quarta love
nata et Coryphe, Oceani filia, Clem. Al. protr. 2. 28. 2 p. 21, 1 f. Stahlin {supra i. 155
n. 10, to which add Arnob. adv. nat. 4. J4 and 16), Orph. h. Posad. 17 b. 3 (Poseidon) 8s
vaLeis Kopvrpalos eTr' OvXupLiroio Kapr)vuv, Paus. 2. 28. 2 eirl de rrj d/cpa rod opous {sc. of
Mt Koryphon near Epidauros) Kopvcpaias ecrrlv lepbv 'Aprepudos, Steph. Byz. s.v. Kopvcpalov ■
opos ewl rip 'YiTribavp'up, ev w rip.drai " "Kopvcpaia.
2 Zeus 'Aktcuos. Dikaiarch. 2. 8 (Geogr. Gr. min. i. 107 Mttller) £7r' aKpas be rr)s rod
opous {sc. of Mt Pelion) Kopv<pr)s o-ir-qXalbv eari to Ka\ovp.evov Xeipibviov, Kal Atos 'AKralov
[3 For note 3 see p. 871.]