Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Zeus Ktesios io57

i. 164, 1—5, 165, 1—3, H. von Rohden in Baumeister Denkm. iii. 1974 f. fig. 2114,
E. Michon in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 1333 fig. 3280, E. Cuq ib. ii.
1377 fig. 3345, 1378 fig. 3346, M. Collignon ib. iii. 1319 fig. 4561, O. Crusius in
Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1149 fig. 5, P. Wolters in the Ath. Mitth. 1891 xvi. 379
no. 11 fig., Miss J. E. Harrison in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1899 xix. 219 fig. 4,
end. Proleg. Gk. Rel.2 p. 235 fig. 53, Themis p. 290 f. fig. 77. I reproduce the
drawings given in the Mon. d. Inst. loc. cit. Height o-64m). The body of the
vase shows two successive scenes : (A) the dead man, laid out on a bed, is
surrounded by mourners ; beside one of them is the word OIAPOI (S. Reinach

Fig. 912.

loc. cit. suggests olfioi (?) ; but cp. Souid. s.v. o'Lapoi ■ yvvdiices). (B) The coffin
is lowered into the grave by four men, one of whom removes the pall. Mourners
stand to right and left; and there is a tree in the background. Beneath both
scenes is a race of four chariots, the goal appearing between two of them. The
neck of the vase continues the same sequence of scenes : (A') In the centre
rises an omphaloid tomb painted white. Within it flit four souls represented as
small winged eidola ; below them is a snake. Round the edge of the tomb runs
an inscription, which P. Pervanoglu took to be


c. 11.
