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Appendix L

e love Amphiarao et subterraneus Iuppiter plurimis locis cognominibus variis
invocabatur, qualia sunt Zevs ILvjSovXos vel EvftovXevs, BovXalos, KXvpevos' etc.
But this explanation leaves unexplained the peculiar character of the Karaftdo-Lov.
I much prefer to suppose that it was the tholos of an ancient Lebadean king,
who in his day played the part of Zeus. The worship of Zeus BaacXevs, which—
as we have seen—flourished at Lebadeia, implies a similar, though not identical,
tradition. We may, in fact, conceive of the local cult as having developed along
the following divergent lines :

Aiorpe(fif]S ftaaiXevs

[Tpecpeov ?] Zeus BaaiXevs

■ (Zeus) Tpe(pa>vios
(Zeus) Tpo(pdovios

Trophonios is said to have been succeeded at Lebadeia by St Christopher the
martyr (schol. Loukian. p. 255, 15 ff. Rabe); but see Frazer Pausanias v. 198 f.
and H. Hitzig—H. Bliimner on Paus. 9. 39. 4.



The cult of Zeus !'Ao-<\r]Tri6s at Epidauros, Hermione, and Pergamon is
attested by a considerable body of evidence, inscriptional, literary, and monu-

(1) Zeus Asklepios in Inscriptions.

M. Frankel in the Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i no. 1000 Epidauros [rS(?)]os 'iofujAioj
'A[crta]jrtK6s', UpaTro\rj\cras i'rovs ttu\ j Ke\ev(ra\_v~]Ti | Ati 'AcrKAr/7rift> | 'ScoTrjpi.

with the numeral id' and the symbol L \*7 *), which—as C. Blinkenberg in

the Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi Tredie Raekke 1894—1895 iii. 175 ff. and in
the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 384, 391 showed—represents the wreath of Asklepios.
P. Kabbadias in the 'E0. 'Apx- 1884 p. 24 no. 6$ = id, Fouilles cPEftidaure
Athenes 1893 i. 58 no. 136 inserted a comma between Au and 'Ao-kA^io), but
E. Thraemer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1661 and M. Frankel loc. cit.
rightly reject it. M. Frankel in the Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i no. 1022 Epidauros

-------v----j----os Aioyprjrov Upevs \ 'ActkA^ttico Ati Kara ovap. | with

the numeral 9S"'. Id. ib. i no. 1086 Epidauros Haralos---| 7rvpo[cpopr]]o-as | 'Ao--

kXtjttlcoi I Ati TeXeton. j with the numeral and the symbol \t/ , which

C. Blinkenberg in the Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi Tredie Raekke 1894—1895
iii. 175 f. took to be 'le rameau...comme un signe de la soumission et du respect