Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Appendix L

469 no. 8f.) published a bronze statuette at Copenhagen (L. Miiller Description
des antiquites du Musee-Thorvaldsen Section i et ii Copenhague 1847 p. 162f.
no. 50 height without the peak 3 Danish inches, with it 4, S. B. Smith Kort
Veiledning i Antikkabinettet i Kjfberihavn Kjobenhavn 1864 p. 38 no. 123 a),
which repeats the type, except that the figure is a beardless youth and wears no
sandals. One whose function is to bring to maturity might well be portrayed as
either man or boy. Asklepios himself was beardless on occasion (Paus. 2. 10. 3
Sikyon (supra p. 1080), 2. 13. 5 Phlious, 8. 28. 1 Gortys. Furtwangler Master-
pieces of Gk. Sculpture pp. 277 n. 5, 300, E. Thraemer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
Enc. ii. 1690 f, 16931!.) or even infantile (Paus. 8. 25. 11 Thelpousa, 8. 32. 5
Megalopolis. Corp. inscr. Gr. iii no. 5974 A, B (Rome) =/user. Gr. Sic. It. no. 967

a,b= Kaibel Efiigr. Gr. Add. no. 805 a, b = Cougny Anth. Pal. Append. I. 247 a, /3:
Overbeck Gr. Plastik^.\\ 181). The Copenhagen bronze is inscribed OMORION
(Panofka loc. cit.\ which could be connected with Zeus 'Opopios (Steph. Thes.
Gr. Ling. v. 1984 A quotes the title from Polyb. 2. 39. 6; but see supra i. 17 n. 4)
or "Optos (Dion. Hal. a?it. Rom. 2. 74) = Iupiter Termimis or Terminalis (supra i.
53, 520 n. 2. Cp. Aug. de civ. Dei 4. 11 ipse in aethere sit Iuppiter,... in Iano
initiator, in Termino terminator. E. Samter 'Die Entwickelung des Terminus-
kultes ' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1913 xvi. 137—144 argues that the boundary-stone
could not have been originally sacred to Iupiter, because at its erection offerings
were placed in the hole prepared for it (Siculus Flaccus in the Grom. vet. i. 141
Lachmann)—a procedure suggestive of a chthonian rather than of a celestial
power. But the lord of the property, who had been a celestial Iupiter during his
life would be a chthonian Iupiter after his death). B. Borghesi in the Bull. d. Inst.

Fig. 931.

Fig. 932.