Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ii. i n. 4. The: painted marble tablet from Tarragona, though accepted as genuine by
more than one archaeologist of repute (F. Ladelci in the Atti delT Accademia pontijicia
de' nuovi Lincei 1885 xxxviii. 4. 122 ff. pi. i, Milani Stud, e mat. di arch, e num. 1899—
1901 i. 36 ff. fig. 4, A. L. Frothingham in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1916 xx. 209—211
fig. 41), has recently been denounced as a forgery by the eminent connoisseur of Iberian
antiquities P. Paris ' Le faux sarcophage egyptien de Tarragone' in the Rev. Arch. 1921
ii. 146—157 with figs. 1—6. I have not myself seen the tablet; but Mr T. W. I. Bullock
of Queens' College, Cambridge, who has kindly interviewed on my behalf J. R. Melida
y Alinari, director of the Museo Arqueologico Nacional at Madrid, and F. A. Ossorio,
keeper of the Greek and Roman antiquities, reports (Sept. 21, 1923) that both these
authorities regard, and always have regarded, the fragment as a mere fabrication.

ii. 7 n. 1. Add Eunap. v. Aedesii 37 (p. 20 Boissonade) to tQiv b^CK-qrOiv dpitsTOv irpbs
fivaTTjpLU'ir] TLva <juoTvr\v /ecu iepo<pavTiKT)v exe/J-vdiav eirippeires r\v koX crweKeKXiTO.

ii. 31 n. 7. So also Loukian. somn. 2 c3 ZeO repdarte, cp. Aristoph. pax 41 f. ovk end'
07rws I tout' earl to ripas ov Atos GKaraifibTOv {supra p. 15 n. 1) and Eustath. in Od.
p. 1885, 8 f. Aids de Tepas aXX-riyopiKW fiev to i£ aepos ' toiovtov yap r/, <bs ippedrj, 5i'%a
ve<povs j3povTTj. aXXcos 5e did to irav Tepas dvayeoBai eis eKelvov, Kadd Kai ndaav d/MpTjv ' 81b
Kal wavo/uupaws eXeyero Zet/s. See further O. Heifer in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 369.

ii. 32. The relief of Zeus KparaL/BaTrji is now figured by Svoronos Ath. Nationalnms.
pi. 219, 8 (=my fig. roio).

Fig. 101

ii. 38 n. 5. Mr A. D. Nock points out to me (Oct. 4, 1921) that Paulin. Nolan, carm.
5. 37 ft. is transplanted from Auson. ephem. 3. 37 ff. See M. Schanz Geschichte der
romischen Litteratur Mtinchen 1904 iv. 1. 33, 238 f.

ii. 44. Platon's comparison of the Galaxy with ' the undergirders of triremes' perhaps
rests on another folk-belief. W. Gundel Sterne und Sternbilder im Glauben des Altertums
und der A'euzeit Bonn—Leipzig 1922 p. 46 says that the Milky Way is sometimes con-
ceived as ' ein gewaltiges Seil.' This would explain, not only the Platonic cable, but also
the yet more famous aeipi\v xpvo~e'it)v of //. 8. 19 ff. A golden rope hung from heaven to
earth may well have been a popular conception of the Galaxy. And, if Zeus bound it
7rept piov OvXvfj.Trot.0 (ib. 25), we recall that 'the stars came down at night on Olympus'
(supra p. 905 n. o).

ii. 44 n. 4. The late Mr H. G. Evelyn White kindly supplied me (Sept. 23, 1921) with
a Coptic parallel to the Manichaean 'pillar of light.' It occurs in an apocalyptic Gospel
from Der Abu Makar in the Wady'n Natriin (New Texts from Der Alul Makdr no. 3,