Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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1234 Index I

Aditi 1035 Aer (cont.)

Aditya 1035 f. of Motos (?) by Anra 1036 1038

Admetos 240 2414 493 m. of Oulomos by Aither 1037 f. s.

Adonaios (Adonai) 8890(o) of Pothos and Omichle 1036 1038

Epithet: ii\f/LKepawos 1212 Aesclapius (sc. Aesculapius) 1086

Identified with Iao 889o(o) Theos Hyp- Aescolapius (sc. Aesculapius) 1086

sistos 889o(o) Sabaoth 1212 Zeus Aesculapius

2930 Cults: Etruria 1085 f. Narona 1086

Adonis Praeneste 1086 Eome 1080 1083

Cults: Assyrioi (=SyrioiJ 2964 Beth- 1086 Sardinia 1086 Tiber-island

lehem 9844 1083 1086

Myths: killed by boar 8860(30) Myrrha Epithets : Deus Bonus 7240 secundus

680 1088 tertius 1089

Genealogy: h. of Aphrodite 6940 s. of Genealogy: b. of Mercurius secundus

Kinyras 6940 1088

Function: crops 557i Aesernia, coins of 8314(2)

Identified with Attis 294 f. 298 Kro- Aeternus

nos(?) 8860(30) Cult: Taurini 3064

Associated with Aphrodite (Venus) 984x Aetios, king of Troizen 4142

Compared ivith Attis 293 Tammuz and Aetna, Mt See Aitne, Mt

Zeus 345 Aetna
In relation to Aphrodite 293 5524 Genealogy : m. of Palicus by Volcanus

Adorea 9090

Etymology: 1173j See also Aitne, nymph

Adranos See Hadran Aetos

Adrasteia Myths: serves Zeus in Idaean Cave

Genealogy : m. of Aither, Chaos, and 9330 transformed by Hera into eagle

Erebos by Chronos or Herakles 9330
1022 Genealogy: s. of Ge 9330

Type: androgynous 1022 Africa, Eoman
Identified with Ananke 1022 Cult: Ba'al-hamman 5543

Adrasteia, a Cretan nymph Agamedes

Myths: makes golden ball for infant Function: hypostasis of Zeus (?) 1075

Zeus 9330 puts infant Zeus to sleep -bothros of, at Lebadeia 1075 sleep

in golden liknon 9330 of, at Delphoi 2324

Genealogy: d. of Melissos by Amal- Agamemnon

theia 933q Epithets: ay ados -KpofiaTo-yvthfiuv 12097

Function: protectress of laws 933o ava^ avbpwv 1070 evpvKpeiwv 1069

Adrasteiai (Adresteiai) Myths: Briseis 726 dedicates ship of

Epithet: dfj.vfj.oves 9540 stone to Artemis BoXocria 9063

Adrastos sceptre of Zeus 5472 9562f. Tegea

Genealogy: b. of Amphios 1072 s. of in Crete 11476

Merops 1072 Genealogy : f. of Elektra 11326 f. of

Adrastos (Adrestos), s. of Gordios (Gordies) Orestes 1179 s. of Atreus 957o

3118 Functions: aither 1069 buried king

Adriana or Adriania See Hadrianeia 11304 human Zeus 1179

Adrianoi in Mysia Etymology: 1069 f.

Cult: Zeus 127 Compared with Zeus 1069 f.

Aedon In relation to Menelaos 447g

Myth: Polytechnos 693--sceptre of 11324 1132c soul of,

Aedui becomes eagle 1132

Rites: burial within the house 1059 Agamemnon, the god (?) 1069

Aeneas 472 1071 See also Aineias Agasthenes 712

Aenona Agatha, St, of Catania 3470

Cult: Ianus Augustus 325 Agathe
Aeolians Cult: Epidauros 11260

Cult: Zeus'O^oXwtos 9010 Associated roitli Agathos Theos 11260

In relation to Achaeans 11235 Minyai Agathe Tyche

11493 Cults: Athens 1125i 11290 Delos 11280

- in Thessaly and Central Greece Peiraieus 1104 f.

regard king as Zeus 1088 Genealogy: w. of Zeus $/Xios 1104 f.

Aequi 4044 Attributes: cornu copiae 11280 oinochoe

Aequitas 99x 11280

Aer Types: Euphranor 11270 Praxiteles

Genealogy: f. of Mot by Chaos 1038 11270