Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Index I

Ahura Mazdah

Myth : cosmic egg 1036
Function : creator 1036
Identified ivith Zeus Hrpdrios 9760
Aia 904^
Aiakidai 8943

Myth : drought 8943 895j
Genealogy : s. of Zeus by Aigina d. of
Asopos 8943
Aias 11372
Aietes 108
Aigai in Aiolis

Cults: Apollon Xpwffrripios 954n Istia
BoAAaia (? BoAAcua) 2590 Zeus B6A-
Aatos 259o
Aigai in Makedonia

Cult: Zeus"T\j/i(rTos 8780(9) 9062
Aigaion, Mt

Cults : Aphrodite (?) 9270 Ariadne (?)

9270 Zeus 925! 9260 9 270
Myth : birth of Zeus 925,

- cave on, identified with Psychro

Cave 925x cave on, wrongly identi-
fied with Dictaean Cave 9260
Aigeirotomoi 497,
Aigesthios (?) 9700

Aigeus consults Themis 206 sword of 6276

Aigialos, katabdsion at 14


Cults: Apollon 184 Poseidon 1846
Zeus "EXXdi/ios 8943 Zeus ITcu'eAAT?-
vws 894., 8950 895!

Aigina, d. of Asopos 1878 1890 8943


Cults : Hera 2100 Herakles 7425 Zeus
Ileus 742 f. 749 8266

Myth : sinews of Zeus 4490
In relation to Aigokeros 9321 9330
Aigle (Aigla), m. of Asklepios 4880(o) 1086

Myths: foster-brother of Zeus on Mt
Ide in Crete 932! 9330 938Q helps
Zeus against Titans 9330 invents
shell-trumpet 9330 9380 trans-
formed into constellation by Zeus
93 30

Genealogy : s. of Aix 9330

Associated with Zeus 9380

In relation to Aigipan 932] 933q

-derived from Mesopotamia 938o

reaches Crete by same route as
Zagreus 9380
Aigolios, a Cretan 9290
Aigyptos See Egypt
Aigyptos, the river Nile

Epithet: AttTrer^s 481

Myth : sacra of Troy 1068

Etymology: 3840

See also Aeneas

Cult: Zeus 'Opofj-irdras 8690

-coins of 869n

Ainos in Thrace

Cults : Asklepios 1079 Hermes Hep<pe-
paios 4960

-coins of 1079

Ainos, Mt

Cult: Zeus kivi]<jLos 9072

Myth : Boreadai pursue Harpyiai 9072

-ascent of 9072 9080


Genealogy : 1088 b. of Boiotos 317 f. of
Athamas 904i f. of Sisyphos 11504

-kings descended from, pose as

human Zeus 1088 1122 1159


Epithets: a/x[3poros 83O7 KapnrvXos 8310
Festival: Jan. 5 3372
Genealogy : 98l! s. of Ianus 337
Type: lion-headed (See Ahriman)
Identified ivith Ianus 337

Aischlabios (sc. Asklepios) 1085

Aisclapius (sc. Aesculapius) 1085 f.

Aiscolapius (sc. Aesculapius) 1086

Aisculapius (sc. Aesculapius) 1086

Aisklapieus (sc. Asklepios) 1085

Aisklapios (sc. Asklepios) 1085

Aison 211

Aison, the vase-painter 206x (?)

Epithets: votpos (Lobeck cj. vorepos)

Genealogy: f. of Eros by Nyx 315^ 1051
f. of Oulomos by Aer 1037 f. f. of
Zeus 9410 s. of Chronos 1024 s. of
Chronos or Herakles by Ananke or
Adrasteia 1022 s. of Erebos and
Nyx 3154
Aithiopes tattooed 1230
Aithra, d. of Pittheus 800 (?)
Aitnaia 908i
Aitne (formerly Inessa)

Cult: Zeus khvaios (?) 908i
Aitne (formerly Katane)

Cults: Silenos 908i 909q Zeus XItvcuos

908i 909p
Festival: Aitnaia 908j

-coins of 908i 9090

Aitne, Mt

Cults: Hadran 630 Hephaistos 630
Zeus Airvaios 908j 9090 9100

Myths : Polyphemos 9090 Silenos 9090
Typhon 4490
Aitne, nymph

Genealogy: m. of Palikoi by Zeus 9090


Myth: transformed into constellation
by Zeus 9330

Genealogy: m. of Aigokeros 933,j
Aix, s. of Python 2172

Cults: Demeter 7300 Poseidon 7300
Zeus 730(J
Aizanis (?) 9643
Aizanitis 9643
Aizanoi 9643

Cults: Dioskouroi 313 Hadrian 1120o