Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Aah-hotep, Queen, axe of, see Aahmes, King

-------inlaid dagger of, H. til, 361, 453, 649,

730, m. 112, iv. 266, 527
Aahmes, King, axe of, 1. 420, 550, 712, 715,

II. 361, in. 112, IV. 191, 266

-------date of accession of, 11. 362, iv. 874

Ab-nub-mes-Wazet-User, see User
Abusir, L.M. \a cup from, iv. 267 n. 1
Abydos, axe of Middle Kingdom type from
Tomb of Courtiers at, iv. 415

— Alabaster vases from, 11. 223 n. 1

— Ostrich-egg flask from, 11. 222

— Pottery from, paralleled by late Neolithic
finds at Knossos, 11. 12

-------1 st Dynasty, I. 58

-------M.M., from 12th Dynasty tomb at, I. 18,

31, 256. 258, 261, 268, 270, 290, 11. 209,

216, iv. 108, 130, 137, 265

— tomb of Princess Hetep at, 11. 56

-------18th Dynasty at, tin flask from, 11. 179

Achaeans, confederates of Lykians, I. 664

— possible attack on Knossos by, 11. 345, 346

— supposed builders of tholos tombs at

Mycenae, iv. 237
Achelous river, lions found near, in. 122 n. 1
Achilles, shield of, I. 311, 314, m. 76, 78, 82,

101, 132, iv. 959
-------analogies with silver rhyton from Mycenae,

III. 101
Achineos, Cape, 11. 232

Acrobats, Minoan, I. 15, 11. 752, in. 175, 176,

222, 223, 428: and see Bull-sports,

Adad, 1. 198, iv. 427
Adalia, clay figure from, I. 47
Adana, black granite statuette from, n. 220
Adder-mark ornament (sacral), diffusion of (at

first described as 'wave motive'), IV. 188,191
-------on arrow plumes from West Temple

Repository at Knossos, 1. 548-9

-------on axe of King Aahmes, 1. 550, iv. 191

-------on dress, I. 549, 550

-------on frescoes from Knossos, I. 547, 548,

550,11. 705, 731, 818 n. 2

Adder-mark ornament on frescoes (cont.)

-----------from Phylakopi, 1. 547, 548, 550, in. 42

-------on hearth, fixed, in Megaron at Mycenae,

i- 39°. 55*. m- 35°.IV- JSo
-----------movable, from Knossos, I. 390, 551,

in. 350 n. 2, iv. 178 ff.

-------on pottery, L.M. la, iv. 643

-----------L.M. lb, iv. 184, 185, 271, 289, 290,

36°. 364

-----------L.M. II, iv. 192, 325

-----------L.M. Ilia, 11. 122 n. 2, iv. 335

-----------L.M. III6, iv. 311, 329, 736

-------origin of, from Cretan adder's markings,

iv. 181, 182
-------sacral character of, I. 549-50, in. 42,

350 n. 2, iv. 178-80,184,185, 289, 290, 325
Adler, Dr., on construction of pit-graves at

Mycenae, iv. 237
Adonis, association of with Minoan Goddess,

in. 143

— comparison of with Minoan Boy-God,

in. 465, 468

— death of at Bethlehem, in. 476

— mourning for, 1. 162

Adorant, on sealing from lustral area of Little
Palace at Knossos, n. 523

— votive figure of, from sanctuary of Juktas,

Adriatic Sea, communication of with Delos,

11. 108
-------trade route from to mouth of Rhone,

II. 170 n. 4
Adze-axes, bronze, from South House at

Knossos, 11. 629

— copper, E.M. II, 1. 101

— miniature gold, E.M. II, n. 629 n. 3
Adze sign, on cornelian prism-seal, II. 204
-------on tablets from 8th Magazine at Knossos,

iv. 669-71
Aegean Sea, formation of, n. 5

-------early relation of with Pontic coasts, iv.766

Aegina, coins of, found at Knossos, 11. 5-6

— jewellery from, n. 53, IV. 175 n. 5

— Helladic stronghold of, II. 564

— Minoan pottery from, II. 134 n. 3,211, IV. 274
Aegisthos, see Aigisthos