Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Axes, double, stands for (cont.)

Babylon (cont.)

— from Mallia, II. 323

— Temple of Ishtar at, votive house fronts

— from Mycenae, iv. 213

from, 11. 372

— from Psychro Cave, IV. 212

Bacchylides, story of Theseus and Minos by,

Axes, Neolithic stone,from Knossos, n. 10,13,15

iv. 957 n. 1,958

— from Harbour Town, 11. 229

Background, treatment of, in Minoan wall-

Axes, single:

painting, 11. 114

bronze, of King Aahmes, 1. 420, 550, 712,

-------in Priest-king relief, II. 786

715, 11. 361, III. 112, iv. 266

-------in fresco of Captain of the Blacks, 11. 755

— Syrian class, iv. 414-18

-------in fresco of Kadmeion at Thebes, 11. 749

-------from Vapheio tomb, iv. 418

-------black, on frieze from Caravanserai, II.

-------from Beirut, 11. 721 n. 4


-------from Cyprus, 11. 721 n. 4, iv. 416', 418

-------'desert-belt', 11. 448

-------from Dodona, 11. 175

-------rock-work, 11. 728, 730, III. 90

-------on signets in Priest-king's hands, iv.

-------sea, n. 90


— of religious scenes on Minoan signets, in. 137

ceremonial, from Bactria, 11. 274

Bactria, ceremonial axes from, 11. 274

— on coins of Julius Caesar, 11. 794

Baetylic altar from Psychro Cave, 11. 48

— of Dervishes, 11. 274

— pillar, as tomb of divinity, 1. 162

— from Ecbatana, 11. 274

— stone represented on bead-seal, 11. 132

— from Mallia, n. 271, 274, iv. 416, 417

— signet from Knossos, 1. 160

— on signets, 1. 16,11. 721, iv. 413, 925

— trinity in Minoan religion, 1. 222, 223

— from Van, 11. 274

— worship, 1. 160-2

Chaldean, dissemination of, iv. 417

Baetyls, on gems from mainland, iv. 550

copper, from Knossos, 11. 14

Baganda, canoes of, 11. 241 n. 1

Egyptian, 1. 420, 550, 712, 715, 11. 361, in.

Bagdad^ Egyptian lion weight from, I. 421

112, iv. 266, 415

Balagrae; shrine of, 11. 39 n. 5

schist, from Mallia, 11. 271, 274, iv. 416, 417

Balance sign, as Egyptian hieroglyph, IV. 659

Syro-Egyptian, evolution of, iv. 414 ff.

-------in Linear Script A, 1. 619, iv. 659, 660,

in ceramic ornament, iv. 366, 643


sign in Script Ideographic A, iv. 679

-------in Linear Script A, followed by numbers,

— in Script Linear B, iv. 668, 682, 683, 686

iv. 660

Axe-hammer, bronze, from Milatos, iv. 46 n. 4

-------in Linear Script A, combined with open

'Axe-plants' on M.M. Ill pottery, 1. 610

hand sign, iv. 660

-------in Linear Script A, combined with bent


arm sign, iv. 657

-------in Linear Script B, iv. 660, 661

Baal-Haman, association of with Pillar Trinities,

-------in Linear Script B, combined with ingot

11. 191

sign, iv. 661

— connexion of with Goddess Tanit, n. 191 n. 1

-------in Linear Script B, as official title com-

— identity of with Libyan God of the Oasis,

bined with personal name, IV. 658

11. 191

-------in Linear Script B, used to countermark

Ba'al-keren, connexion of with Balagrae, 11.

bull sealing, iv. 618

39 n- 5

-------earliest occurrence of, iv. 656

Babylon, connexions with Minoan Crete, II.

-------on libation bowls from Knossos and


Apodoulou, iv. 656, 657

— importation of cylinders from to Crete, I. 15,

Balcony scenes, on Mainland frescoes, 11. 602,

186, 197, 198, iv. 54

in. 60

— relation of, to Minoan weight system, IV. 654

Balearic Islands, Covas in, in. 322

— symbolic forked weapons in, 1. 101

-------Naus or Navetas in, 11. 181, ill. 322