Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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C-curves, in E.M. ornament, n. 195, 199

— in M.M. sculptural ornament, iv. 255

— in Mycenaean ornament, II. 199

C's, three, in L.M. I ornament, derived on
Palace style pottery of Knossos from
triple marine group of L.M. lb, IV. 314,

-------in L.M. II, iv. 280, 300 n. 2, 313, 315 n. 2,

320, 321, 353, 361, 1007

-------in L.M. Ha, iv. 353

-------in L.M. 116, iv. 307, 308

-------in L.M. Ill, iv. 280, 358

-------in L.M. Ilia, iv. 372

-------reappearance of in Rhodes and Cyprus,

iv. 31S
-------combined with octopus and papyrus,

iv. 308
-----------ogival canopy, iv. 320, 321


Butterflies (cont.)

— on votive double axe from Phaestos, 11. 787

— and see Chrysalis
Butterfly motive, origin of, I. 63, IV. 114

-------E.M., iv. 69

-------E.M. I, iv. 84 n. 2

-------E.M. II, 1. 75

-------E.M. Ill, 1. 108

-------M.M. I, 1. 23 n. 2, 166, iv. 84

-------M.M. II, 1. 237

-------M.M. Ill, iv. 490

Butterfly wings on M.M. Ill sealings, 1. 703,

705, 706
Buttons, steatite, E.M. Ill, from Hagios Onu-
phrios and Kouphonisi, 1. 112, 113

— tin, found near Volterra, 1. 101
Button-seals, see Seals
Buxton, Dr. Dudley, on bones from Temple

Tomb at Knossos, iv. 1010
Byblos, alabaster figure vase from, II. 258

— chamber tomb at, Cretan imports from, 11.

654, 655, 825
■—■ coin-types of, I v. 535

— connexion of with Keftiu on Egyptian

monuments, 11. 650

— identified by W. Max Miiller with Kupn'i,

11. 657 n. 2

— temple prostitutes at, m. 61
Byty, see Bee, Egyptian sign for




C's, three (cont.)

-------on bead-seal from Arkhanes, iv. 315

-------on amphora from Knossos, IV. 307

-------on ewer from Temple Tomb, iv. 1007

-------on stirrup vase from Zafer Papoura,

iv. 300 n. 2
C's, two, in 'Late Revival' ceramic ornament,

iv. 280, 372
-------in L.M. Ill mainland ceramic ornament,

iv. 316, 747
Cable patterns, E.M. Ill, 1. 112

-------M.M. Ill, 1. 415, 594, 595

Caffrecat, on inlaid dagger-blade from Mycenae,

in. 114
Cairn, sacred, iv. 455
Cairo, earthquake of 1926 at, 11. 318 n. 1

— Neolithic burials near, 11. 181 n. 3

— Museum, Egyptian marble vase in,
223 n. 1

Cakes, barley, as offerings to snakes, IT. 158

Calabria, 11. 168

Calcite figure-vase from Harbour Town

Knossos, 11. 255, 256
Calendar, Egyptian, 11. 29
Calf, gold-bead in shape of, Knossos, iv. 963
Calf's head, prepared for table, on lentoid gem

from Mirabello, iv. 491
Calves, on painting in tomb at Thebes, 11. 448

— on Minoan seals and sealings, iv. 543, 544,

Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, bronze stilus

from Palaikastro in, m. 13
-----------marble figure of Minoan Goddess in,

in. 199, iv. 32, 193
Camels, introduction of into Egypt, n. 157
Campeador, the Cid, in Spanish bull-fights,

in. 227
'Camp-stool' fresco, 11. 605, iv. 359, 365, 387,

396, 882, Coloured PI. XXXI.

— on sealings, religious associations of, iv. 387
Canaan, Minoan wares imported into, 1. 11 n. 1
Candia, aqueduct to, II. 62

— Canea gate, Minoan settlement to W. of,

II. 231

— dances, traditional, of district, HI. 75

— earthquakes at, 11. 312-25, iv. 989
--------in 1304, 11. 321

-------in 1508, 11. 313, 321

-------in 1810, 11. 314

-------in 1856,11.314,315