Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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LOTUS [96]

Lotus (cont).

— buds, on stone lamp from N.W. Insula at

Knossos, hi. 26

— — bead from Robbers' Cache, iv. 963

— cups, see Blossom-bowls
Loving-cups, see Goblets

Lozenges, incurved, on dress of figure in Pro-
cession Fresco, 11. 732

-------on faience and crystal inlays from

Knossos, 11. 732
Lucian, on hair-offerings to Syrian Goddess, IV.

Lugal-zaggisi, King of Umma, Lagash captured

by, 11. 264

-------— extent of dominions of, 11. 264

Lunghi, Pietro, wall paintings by, in Palazzo

Grassi, Venice, m. 56
Luschan, Dr. Felix von, on composite bow, 11.

49 n. 4

-------on Jewish physiognomy, iv. 407 n. 1

Lustral areas, gypsum paving of, 11. 523
-------lighting of, II. 523

— basins, terrestrial relation of, 11. 322
Lutra, L.M. la pottery from, 11. 77
Lycaonia, two-pronged spearhead from, I. 101
Lydgate, John, English version of Chronicle of

Diktys Cretensis by, iv. 673
Lykastos, I. 10

— conquest of Gortyna by, 11. 74 n. 5

— destruction of by Knossians, 11. 74 n. 5

— probable site of at Kanli Kasteli, 11. 74
LyBa, connexions of with Phaestos disk, I. 657,

658, 663
Lykians, sea-raids of in Egyptian records, I.

663, 664
Lyktos (Lyttos), I. 10, 11, 625

— cornelian bead-seal from, 1. 685, IV. 571

— un-Greek signs on inscriptions at, in. 259

n. 1

— temple of Britomartis at, 11. 843
Lyre, Asiatic origin of, 11. 837, in. 261

— Chaldaean, from Tello, in. 261

— Cretan modern, as accompaniment to chain-

dances, II. 77

— Minoan, Chaldaean derivation of, in. 261,

iv. 403 n. 1

-------Egyptian influence on, iv. 403 n. 1

-------late Mycenaean, from Menidi, n. 835 n. 3

-------eight-stringed, on seals and sealings, 11.



Lyre (cont.)

— impersonation of kinnor by Kinyras of
Paphos, in. 73 n. 1, iv. 403

— on relief from Lagash, 11. 837

— Semitic, n. 837, iv. 403

— players, dress of, iv. 403
-------Bedouin, painting on tomb at Beni Hasan,

11. 837

-------on fresco from Thebes, n. 836

-------in terra-cotta group of dancers from

Palaikastro, in. 73, 439 n. 2

— on Hagia Triada sarcophagus, I. 440, n.

Lyre sign, as M.M. II hieroglyph, 1. 276, 281
-------in Linear Script A, 1. 641, iv. 682


Ma, Asiatic Goddess, mother of Attis, in. 473

-----------on coins of Comana, in. 100

-----------on relief from Marash, iv. 411

-----------symbols of, on Phaestos disk, 1. 656

Maat, Egyptian Goddess, n. 764

Macan, Dr. R. W., on connexion between

Greece and Libya, 11. 37 n. 2
Macedonia, coins of, iv. 557, 564 n. 3

— pottery from, I. 38 n. 2
Maces, Early Egyptian stone, n. 26

— Neolithic, from Knossos, 1. 14, 15, 53, 54, n.

— breccia, from Mace-bearer's tomb at Isopata,

iv- 357

— of King Musilim, iv. 529
Mackenzie, Dr. Duncan, tribute to, iv. i, ii
-------discoveries at S. Portico of Knossos, n.

146 n. 3, 149 n. 1
-------discoveries in tombs of Mesara, n. 36

n- 5
-------exploration of Minoan roads, n. 62 n. 1,

91 n. 1
-------work on fresco fragments, 11. 680, in.

302 n. 2

-------on drains at Phylakopi, n. 299 n. 4

-------on figure vessel from Bethshemesh, n.

257 n. 2

-------on fixed hearths, n. 20 n. 6

-------on Mycenaean type of megaron, in. 350

n- 3
-------on metope style of decoration, 11. 130