Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Roads, Minoan (cont.)

-------from Kritsa to Malles and Mirabello, II.

63 n- 5

-------from Mycenae, IV. 60

-------from Pedeada, 11. 78

-------to Arkhanes, 11. 64, 68

-------to summit of Juktas, 11. 66

-------over Lasithi range, 11. 63, 68, 78

-------to Niru Khani, 11. 552

-------to N. Coast, 11. 280 n. 2

-------via Tylissos to West of Mount Ida, 11.

-------to Siteia, 11. 78

— Roman, near Little Palace at Knossos, 11.

517 n. 1, 570

-------to port of Lebena, n. 84

'Road of Hercules', follows trade-route, 11. 170
Road, Royal, through Asia Minor, I. 14
Robert, Prof., on picture of Odysseus in Hades

by Polygnotos, m. 156 n. 6
Rocca ('Po'/ca, Castle of Kanli Kasteli), 11. 74;

probably site of Lykastos, ib.

— folk tale connected with, 11. 74 n. 2
Rock-carving, Hittite, at Boghaz Keui, 11. 275,


— Libyan, in Atlas region, 11. 51

— known as Maraviglie, Col di Tenda, Ligu-

ria, 11. 170-2

— at Oreo Feglino near Finalborgo, 11. 170 n. 4
Rocks, popularity of in Minoan art, 11. 453

— representation of, I. 313, 314, iv. 16, 955

— in marine pieces, 11. 453

— in faience, from Knossos, 11. 453

— on frescoes, 1. 597, 608 n. 1, iv. 895

-------from Knossos, Saffron-gatherer, 11. 452

-----------Cup-bearer, 11. 706

-----------Procession Frescoes, 11. 452, 728, in.


-----------Partridge Frieze, 11. 452

-----------House of the Frescoes, II. 447, 448,

45°, 452-54

-------from Mycenae, 11. 730

-------from Phylakopi, 11. 453

— in metal, on dagger of Queen Aah-hotep,

»• 453
-----------from Mycenae, 11. 730

-------on hilt-plate from Zafer Papoura, iv. 865

— on pottery, L.M. 1,11. 101, iv. 277, 278, 358

— on seals, iv. 488

— on signets with religious subjects, III. 137

Rocks (cont.)

— on stela above 5th Shaft Grave at Mycenae,

iv. 252
Rock-canopy motive in L.M. lb marine style,

iv. 277, 278
Rock-rose (Cistus), suggested representation of

on panel from House of the Frescoes at

Knossos, 11. 466
Rod, metal, used for support of ceremonial

axes, n. 274
Rodenwaldt, Dr. G., on frescoes from Mycenae,

I. 445 n. 1, 11. 599, in. 85, iv. 875 n. 1
-----------from Tiryns, ill. 304, 305, iv. 243 n.i,


-----------from Knossos, in. 83 n. 3

-------on influence of inlay on fresco painting,

IV. 576
-------on Egyptian influence on stucco floor at

Mycenae, iv. 895 n. 1

-------on Hagia Triada sarcophagus, I. 439 n. 1

Rogdhea, green schist quarries at, iv. 992

Rohde, Dr., on eschara, iv. 144 n. 6

Rohlfs, Dr. Gerhard, on ostrich-egg vessel from

Soudan, 11. 223 n. 2
Roller, blue bird on fresco from House of the

Frescoes at Knossos, 11. 454
Rolleston, Sir Humphry, on effect of Minoan

metal belt, ill. 448 n. 2
Roman de Rou, iv. 454
Romans, occupation of Knossos by, 11. 432
Rome, bull-sports at, in. 229

— Ancilia of Salii compared with Minoan 8-

shaped shields, 11. 52 (Fig. 25)

— Casa Romuli, connexion of with hut circles,

II. 131

— Curia Saliorum, described as hut, n. 131 n. 1

— Esquiline, hut circles on, n. 131

— Ficus ruminalis, cult of, n. 616

— Forum, pavement games in, m. 395

— household snake-cult in, iv. 152

— lustral sprinkler (Aspergillum), like Minoan

used by Pontifices at, 11. 793, 794 and Fig.


— Temple of Vesta, 11. 131

— Tugurium Faustuli, 11. 131

Roofs, conical, of huts on bead-seals from Crete,
11. 131

— of hut-urn from Phaestos, n. 133

-------from Sweden, 11. 133

Roof-drainage, M.M. II, 1. 228, 230