Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Ingot signs, 22, 54, 71, 93.
Ink-written signs, 18.
Inventory of tablets, 75.
Ipsen, 69.

Javelin on tablet, 58.

Jerabis, Hittite monument, 25.

Karo, G., 3.

Kedet, Egyptian weight, 23.

Keftiu texts, 70; offerings, 3 ; formulae, 68.

Kellen, F., 59.

Kirchhoff, 15.

Kluge, H., 68.

Kober, Alice, 36, 43, 50, 58, 75, 76.

Kourtes, 65.

Kretschmer, P., 45, 48, 72.

Kristopoulos, C. D., 69.

Kydones, 66.

Labels, clay, inscribed, 1, 2.

Lallnamen, 44, 48.

Levi, D., 22.

Ligatures, 9, 40-1, 63-4.

Linear signs in Cyprus, 74; in Egypt, 1.

Liquid measures, 19.

Lists of names, 43, 45.

Livestock signs, 32, 33, 60, 87.

Loom sign, 27, 93.

Luvian culture, 68.

Lycian names, 47.

Lyttos, alphabet, 12.

Macalister, R. A. S., 69.

Maker's marks, 15.

Mallia, 1, 5, 17, 37, 72.

'Manacle' sign, 72.

Maranghiannis, G., 100.

Mason's marks, 1, 10, 11, 14.

Mavrospelaio, gold ring, 1, 17, 73.

Max Muller, W., 70.

Measures of area, 31; of capacity, 59, 61;

of value, 53-4.
Meister, R., 72.
Men, signs for, 33, 83.
— women and children as commodities,

Middle Minoan signs, 1.

Millet sign, 32, 59, 90.

Minoan and Anatolian compared, 69; and
Hittite, 71; and Keftiu, 70.

Minos, 67.

Minotaur sign, 29, 32.

Mobius, G., 60.

Mochlos, gold ring, 22.

Monumental inscription, 1.

Mycenae: signs from, 10; Fourth Shaft-
grave, 58.


Myres, J. L., 4.

Newberry, J. A., 67.

Nilsson, M., 67.

Numerals: abnormal, 52; mis-stated, 51;

signs for, 51.
Numerical Order of Tablets, 37.

Obverse and reverse of tablets, 42.

Odyssey, 34, 61, 66.

Olive-tree on tablet, 60, 90, 94.

Orchomenus, 35.

Overseer sign, 30-60.

Owner's marks, 1, 5.

Oxen, signs for, 32, 87.

Oxhead, on tablet, 3.

Painted signs, 1, 65.

Palaikastro; bronze graver, 1; tablet, 2.

Palm-leaves, inscribed, 3.

Patronymic names, 49.

Peet, T. E., 76.

Pelasgians in Crete, 66-7.

Percentage tablets, 53.

Perforated handles represented, 34.

Pernier, L., 69.

Personal names, 43.

Persson, A. W., 67.

Phaestos Disk, 12, 18, 21, 41, 69, 71, 72,

Phonetic signs, 2; for commodities, 62.

Picard, C, 17.

Pithos, inscribed, 65.

Place-names compared, 67.

Plant-commodities, 60.

Pliny, 2.

Prefixes, 47.

pre-Hellenic words, 67.

Principal and subsidiary sign-g:oups, 50-

1, 64.

Prow of ship, sign, 22, 25, 28, 101.

Pugliese-Carratelli, G., 4.

Punctuation on tablets, 41.

Pylos, tablets from, 1, 14, 40, 57, 74.

Quality marks, 68.

'Rain' sign, 20.

'Rebus' signs, 5, 11, 17, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30,

33> 34. 44> 59-
Rectilinear signs, 6.

Reduplicated signs, 48; see Lallnamen.

Reid, F. W., 69.

Replacement of signs, 42.

Rosellini, 57.

Rowe, A., 67.

Rudder sign, 34.


'Sacred Knot' symbol, 71.

Saffron-signs, 16, 59, 60, 91.

Sayce, A. H., 70, 71.

Scamander, 68.

Scheil, 61.

Schmidt, M., 73.

Scribe's errors, 42.

Seal-engraver's design on tablet, 66.

Sealings, clay, 57, 64, 97.

Sex varieties of signs, 49.

Sexagesimal notation, 23, 51.

Shardana, 57.

Sheep signs, 32.

Sign groups common to Scripts A and B,

45 ; composition of, 43.
Single-sign groups, 48.
Sistrum sign, 20.
Sittig, E., 73.

'Sitting figure', sign, 55, 86.
Skeuomorphic signs, 5.
Slave trade, 55.
Slip of graver, 104.
Stawell, F. M., 69.
Stirrup-handled vases on tablets, 59.
Stylus for tablet-script, 2.
Sub-Minoan signs, 65.
Subsidiary and principal groups, 44,50,64.
Suffixes, 30, 48, 68; feminine, 10.
Summary, 73.
Sun-dried tablets, 3.
Sundwall, J., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-34 frag-> 51.

63-4, 72.
Surcharged sealings, 1, 18, 64, 97.
Swastika signs, 15.
Swine signs, 33, 87.
Sword signs, 23, 57, 93.
Sword-hilts, Knossos, 57.

Tablets: baked, 3; kept in chests, 2, 3;

unbaked, 3.
Talos, 29.
'Talent' sign, 53.
Taramelli, A., 65.
Tarkondemos boss, 15.
Technique of handwriting, 2.
Teke near Larnaca, 20.
Temple Repositories, 1.
Thebes, 14, 21, 22, 27, 46, 67.
Thera, 22, 61.
Thomopoulos I, 69.
Throne-sign, 19.
Tiryns, 8, 14, 21, 67.
'Total' signs, 16, 52, 62.
Trees on tablets, 90.
Troullos, 22.
Trypeti, 73.
Tut-ankh-amen, 57.
Tylissos, 1, 2, 14, 25.
