Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Achaeans in Crete, 66.
Achish, Philistine name, 71.
Adzes on Tablets, 58, 93.
Aeolic dialect, 67.
/Eolidae, 67.

Agamemnon's cuirass, 57.
Agricultural produce, 59.
Agrimi, Cretan goat, 61.
Alaja Huyuk, 68.
Almond tree on tablet, 60.
Alphabetiform signs, 4; in Egypt, 1.
Amisus, inscribed ram, 6.
Amphorae on tablets, 59.
Anatolian language in Crete, 67.
Ankh-sign, 20, 71.
'Area' sign, 23.

Armour, signs derived from, 17.
Armoury deposit, Knossos, 58.
Arrows on tablets, 58, 93.
Arsenal, see Armoury, 34-5, 56.
Ashmolean Museum, 22; Cypriote in-
scription, 72.
Athienou, Cypriote graffiti, 73.

Babylonian tablets, 1.

Balance-signs, 6, 21, 53.

Banner-sign, 33, 61, 93-4.

Barley on tablets, 32.

Bars, clay, inscribed, 2.

Beer from millet, 60.

Belt of Minoan woman, 24.

Blaufuss, 69.

Body-shield, Minoan, 18.

Bork, F., 72.

Bosanquet, R. C.

Bossert, H., 68, 70, 71.

Boys and girls on tablets, 55.

Brandenstein, W., 71.

British Museum, Excav. Cyprus.

Burrage, C, 6, 27, 57, 69.

Bushel-sign, 30, 60.

Butevand, 69.

Caduceus sign, 13.

Cadmus in Boeotia, 67.

Cage-sign, 93.

Cairo Museum, Tut-ankh-amen, 57.

Capacity, measures of, 59.

Carian names, 49.

Case-endings, 49.

Cattle-signs, 87-8.

Cereal-crops on tablets, 59, 90.

Champollion, 43.

Chapouthier, F., 17.

Chariot tablets, 54, 56, 92.

— wheels, 46.

Chests: tablets kept in, 3; on tablets, 61.
Children on tablets, 55, 85-6.
Clay balls, inscribed, 6, 29.

— disc, inscribed, 65.

— sealings, 57, 64.
Collinder, B., 70.
Commodity signs, 5, 43, 50.
Composition of names, 44.
Concordance of tablet numbers, 98.
Conflagration, effect on tablets, 3.
'Constable' sign, n.

Container signs, 33, 61, 93.
Copper-signs, 51; ingots, 54.
Corolla Numismatica, 3, 23.
Corrections and erasures, 2, 9, 42.
Countermarks on sealings, 1,18, 64, 97.
Cover sign, 94.
Cowley, A. E., 56.
Crete in the Odyssey, 66.
Cretan placenames, 47.

— wild goat; agrimi, 34, 61.
Critical notes on tablets, 101-5.
Cross as cult object, 6.
Cross-bars on signs, 61.
Cuirass sign, 54, 57, 93.
Cuny, A., 69.

Cypriote cylinders, 7; early signs, 74; late

graffiti, 74; syllabary, 2, 72.
Cypro-Minoan signs, 2, 69.

Daniel, J. F., 69, 73.

Dawkins, R. M., 60.

Debrunner, 67.

Decimal system, 51.

Decipherment, conditions for, 68.

Determinatives, 48.

Dictaean Cave: libation table, 24; seal,

Dockets, clay, 1.
Dorians in Crete, 66-7.
Double-axe sign, 17.
Drachma sign, 6.
Dussaud, R., 73.

Egyptian crook-sceptre, 78.

— and Minoan signs, 73.
Eleusis, inscription from, 45, 70.
Eleutherna, alphabet, 12.
English names compared, 49, 50.
Enkomi, 6, 57.

Erasures, 2, 9, 42.
Erect Minoan signs, 14.

Erganos, 65.
Eteokretes, 66-7.

Falkenstein, A., 1, 5.

Feminine terminations, 49.

Fig-tree, sign, n, 17, 59, 90.

Find-spots at Knossos, 38-9.

Finger-marks on sealings, 64.

'Flail' of Osiris, 25.

Fodder-crop, sign, 61.

Formulae and purpose of tablets, 42, 44;

unusual, 58.
Fraction-signs, 7, 51; in Script A, 24.
Fresco inscriptions, 1.
Friedrich, 2, 20.
Fruit trees on tablets, 60.
Gardner, E. A., 12.
Granary signs, 59, 92.
Goat signs, 32.

Gold signs, 51, 53.

Gordon, F. G., 69.

Goulas, 6.

Graffiti at Knossos, 1, 65; from Athienou,

Graver, for tablet-writing, 2.
Greek dialects in Crete, 67; horns-sign,

93; mainland, 40; personal names, 47-8.

Hagios Ilias, Pediada, 65.

Hagios Onuphrios, 10.

Hagia Triada, 68; tablets, 1, 2; copper
ingots, 54; 'harvester' vase, 20; sarco-
phagus, 71.

Halbherr, F., 65.

Handwritings, characteristic, 2.

Harvester vase, 20.

Hebrew personal names, 47-8.

Hecatomb-sacrifices, 53.

Helbig, W., 57.

'Hellen and his sons', 67.

Hempl, G., 69.

Hides on tablets, 61.

Hissarlik, 15, 68.

Hittite signs compared, 71.

Horses, on tablets, 33, 87-8, 92.

House sign, 95.

Hrozny, B., 4, 28, 43, 54, 69, 98.

Idaean Cave, 7.
Ideograms, 7.
Iliad iv. 105, 34, 61.
'Impaled triangle' sign, 31, 91.
Inflection in sign groups, 50.