Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gaspey, Thomas
Der englische Selbstlehrer: oder Kunst, die englische Sprache, in kürzester Zeit lesen, schreiben und sprechen zu lernen — Heidelberg, 1845

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To do tu bu tijun.

Part. Praes. Part. Praeter.

doing tmtng f^uetib done bönn getjjan.

Sitte anbere SSörter, roetcfje in btefer Unterrebung gebraucht
fepn foffen, ftnb in ber S-qcibJung fä)on öorgefommen, unb
werben als Mannt wvauSgefegt. SDxtt btefer Hebung muß
man e$ ebenfo, wie mit ber üortgeu machen; baS |etft, man
mufj bie grage juerft taut f)erfagen, unb auf bie nämliäpe
Seife antworten; ober man fann bie Antwort fajreiben, unb
nacbjer mit ber gebrückten »ergtetdjen.

Who found a treasure? The three travellers.

What did the three tra- A treasure.
vellers find? (found).

Where? In the road.

What did the three tra- They found a treasure.
vellers find in the road ?

What did the three travel- We are hungry.
Iers say? (said)

Where did they say this? In the road.

What did the three tra- We are hungry, it is there-
vellers say in the road ? fore necessary that one

of us three should go to
buy someUiing to eat.

Did this (took) take place? Yes, it took place.

What took place? That which the three tra-

vellers said.

Did one of theingo? (went) Yes one of them went.

With what intention? With the intention of buy-

ing something to eat.

Who went? One of the three travellers-

Wrhy did he go ? To buy something to eatf

Wrhat is necessary? That one of the three tra-

vellers should to buy
something to eat.

Who said this? The three travellers.

Why is it necessary that In order to buy something
one of the three should go? to eat.