Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 249): Seltene Bücher, Bibliothekswerke, Zeitschriften aus der Bibliothek eines österreichisch. Erzherzogs und anderen hochadeligen Sammlungen — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, [ca. 1935]

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I. Amerika

Schweizer Franken
1 Boman, E. Antiquites de la region andine de la Republique Argentine et du desert
d‘Atacama. 2 tom. Paris 1908. in-4. Av. 3cartes, 83plancheset73fig. br. 18.—
Publication interessante folklorique, richement illustree, sur la mission scientifique ee G. de
Crequi Montfort et de E. Senechal de la Grange.
2 Charlevoix, Fr. X. de. Geschichte von Paraguay u. d. Missionswerke der Jesuiten
in diesem Lande. Aus d. französ. Nürnberg, Raspe, 1768. 8vo. With a folding
map of Shouthern America, coloured by hand. Old calf. 36.—
Rare book on the history of Paraguay with many interesting details on the life of the Indians.
Page 50: „Buenos Ayres wird angelegt“.
3 Chastellnx. Voyages dans 1‘Amerique septentr. dans les annees 1780, 81 et
82. 2 vol. Paris, Prault, 1786. in-8. Av. 3 planches grav. et 2 cartes depl.
Veau de 1‘ep., d. o. 36.—
Edition orig.
4 De Bry‘s Collection of Voyages. Les Grands et les Petit s Voyages en Latin.
25 parts bound in 8 vols. Frankfurt, Oppenheim, etc. 1590—1634. 4to. & fol.
With an immense n umber of maps and plates engraved by
Theodor and Johann Theodor de Bry and by Matthew Me-
rian. Uniformely bound in green morocco, gilt back, three-fillet border on
sides, ins. deut., gilt edges; with the arms of Voyer cTArgenson, called Mar-
quis de Paulmy, in the compartements. 3000.—
A complete set of the Grands et Petits Voyages in Latin, in a fine copy, of high
The „Grands Voyages“ are bound in 4 vols, as well as the „Petits Voyages“. In
all copies exist slight variations and the present one has some sections of text and
plates in duplicate.
Grands Voyages: Pt. II. Dedication and 2 H of Preface are missing. Pt. IX
without Dedication; 1 map (Fretum Magellanicum) wanting. Pt. XL 3 maps missing.
Petits Voyages. Pt. III. preface missing.
Except for the few points stated above, the copy is quite complete and contains
the full number of the interesting engravings and maps. — The Grands Voyages
are in some places rather foxed.
A finely bound copy from a famous French library.
5 Epistolarum selectarum ex India libri IV. J. P. Maffeio interprete. — Diaz, P.
De LII e soc. Jesu, dum in B r a s i 1 i a m navigant, pro catholica fide interfectis
epistolae duae. Viennae 1751. fol. Red calf with the imperial coat of arms on both
covers. (wormed & dam.) 15.—
Interesting informations on India and B r a z i 1.
Humboldt-Bonpland, siehe No. 238—245.
Jacquin. Selectarum stirpium American ar. historia. Siehe No. 246.
6 Las Casas, B. de. Umbständige warhafftige Beschreibung Der Indianischen Ländern,
so vor diesem von den Spaniern eingenommen und verwüst worden. N. p. (Heidel-
berg, W. Walter), 1665. 4 to. 2 leaves, 119 pp. With engraved title-border
and 17 half-page copper-engravings after Jod. de Winghe by
De Bry. Bds. 36.—
A rare German edition of the celebrated „Brevissima relacion“ of Las Casas, the companion
of Columbus. A vivid description of the frightful atrocities practised by
the Spaniards in America. Adorned with the engravings by De Bry. — Slightly stained.
7 Martins, C. F. Ph. v. Von dem Rechtszustande unter den Ureinwohnern Brasiliens.
München 1832. 4. Mit 1 Karte. Orig.-Ppbd. 30.—
Mit Anhang: Uebersicht d. verseh, indianischen Völkerschaften, Stämme und Horden in Bra-
silien. Selten.
8 Perrin du Lac. Voyage dans les deux Louisianes et chez les nations sauvages du
Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, l‘Ohio et les provinces qui le bordent, en 1801—1803.
