Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat
Bücher-Katalog (Nr. 408): Indien: Sanskrit-, Pali- und Praktrit-Literatur: neuindische Dialekte, vergleichende indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft — Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat, 1927

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III. Indisches Religionswesen (Islam). 39
823 Speyer, J. S. De indische theosophie en hare beteekenis voor ons.
Leiden 1910. gr. 8°. Lwdbd. 7 59
824 —- Die indische Theosophie, aus den Quellen dargestellt. Leipzig 1918.
8°. (6 M.) 4 _
825 Strauß, 0. Indische Philosophie. München 1925. 8°. 4.—; Gzlwdbd. 5.50
826 Tukaram Tatya. Guide to theosophy, cont. select articles for the
instructions of aspirants to the knowledge of theosophy. Bombay 1887.
8°. Kart. . 5.
827 Vidyabhusana, Satis Chandra. A history of Indiern logic (ancient,
mediaeval and modern Schools). Calcutta 1921. gr. 8°. With 1 portr.
XL1I pag. Lwdbd. 22.—
828 Walleser, M. Prajnaparamita. Die Vollkommenheit der Erkenntnis.
Nach ind., tibet. u. chines. Quellen. Göttingen 1914. gr. 8°. 6.60
829 Widgery, A. G. Goods and bads. Outlines of a philosophy of life.
Baroda 1920. 8°. Lwdbd. — Gaekwad Studies in Religion and Philo-
sophy, XVI. 6.50
830 — Immortality and other essays. Baroda 1919. 8°. Lwdbd. — The
Gaekwad Studies in Religion and Philosophy, XV. 6.50
831 — Human needs and the justification of religious beliefs. An essay
in the philosophy of religion. — The same: Personality and atonement.
Baroda 1918. gr. 8°. Lwdbd. — The Gaekwad Studies in Religion and
Philosophy, I/II. 3.—
832 — The comparative study of* religions. Baroda 1922. 8°. With
20 plates. Lwdbd. 21.—
833 Woodroffe, Sir John. Shakti and Shakta. Essays and addresses on the
Shakta Tantra Shastra. 2. ed. revised and enlarged. Madras n. d.
gr. 8°. Lwdbd. 18.—

» uOjiw
834 Aiyangar, S. Krishnaswami. South India and her Muhammadan invaders.
London 1921. 8°. With numerous illustrations. Lwdbd. 257 pag. 6.—
835 (Eastwick, E. B.) Dry leaves. from Young Egypt. (A glance at Sindh
betöre the arrival of Sir Charles Napier), ßy an Ex-Political. Hertford
1851. 8°. With some plates. Lwdbd. 378 pag. 8.—
ä < Behandelt die politischen Verhältnisse der fast ausschließlich von Muhammedanern be-
wohnten Provinz Sindh der britisch-indischen Präsidentschaft Bombay.
: 836 Horten, M. Indische Strömungen in der islamischen Mystik, 1: Zur Ge-
schichte u. Kritik. Heidelberg 1927. 8°. 32 pag. — Materialien z.
Kunde d. Buddhismus, hrsg. v. M. Walleser, H. 12. 2.—
11 837 Hunter, W. W. The Indian Musalmans. 2. ed. London 1872. 8°.
Hlwdbd. 219 pag. 6.—
' < 838 Jaffur Shurreef. Qanoon-e-Islam, or the customs of the Moosulmans of
India; compris. a full and exact account of their various rites and
ceremonies from the birth to the death. Transl. by G. A. Herklots.
London 1832. 8°. With 20 plates. Hldrbd. 436, 128 pag. 36.—
" Selten; erste Ausgabe des wichtigen Werkes.
839 Lyall, A. C. Asiatic studies, religious and social. London 1882. 8°.
Lwdbd. 306 pag. ö.—
Pag. 228—258 chapter IX: „The Islam in India“.
, 840 Penny, F. E. Southern India. London 1914. quer-8°. With a map
and 50 coloured drawings. Lwdbd. 10.—
A study of Muslim life in the Madras Presidency, including descriptions of the
Fakirs and Yogi of the Triplicane, Hindu typ es and castes, marriage customs etc. etc.
841 Tennant, W. Indian recreations; consisting chiefly of strictures on the
domestic and rural economy of the Mahommedans and Hindoos. 2 vol.
. > ' Edinburgh 1803. 8°. Mit 5 Kupfern. Ldrbde. 10.—
Enthält u. a.: The Mahommedan conquests in India — Mahommedan festival of Mo-
. U hurrum — The cruelty of the Mahommedans in India — The fanaticism of the Mahom-
medans and Hindoos etc.

Otto Harrassowitz in Leipzig'
