Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat
Bücher-Katalog (Nr. 408): Indien: Sanskrit-, Pali- und Praktrit-Literatur: neuindische Dialekte, vergleichende indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft — Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat, 1927

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VIII. Pali- und Prakrit-Literatur; Singhalesisch. 177
3941 Uttaradhyayana-sutram with commentary of Kamalasamyama ed. by
Jayantavijaya. Bhavnagar-Agra 1923—25. quer-8°. 300 Bll. — Pra-
krittext m. Sanskrit-Kommentar. — Yashoviiaya-Jaina-granthamala,
No. 46-47. 15.—
Vgl. Winternitz II, 312.
3942 The Uvasagadasao, or the religious profession of an Uvasaga, being the
seventh Anga of the Jains. Ed. in Prakrit with the Sanskrit commen-
tary of Abhaya Deva, and an English translation by A. F. R. Hoernle.
6 fase. Calcutta, Bibi. Ind., 1885—90. 8°. 21.
3943 Vajjalaggam. A Prakrita poetical work on rhetoric with Sanskrit Ver-
sion. Ed. by J. Laber. Fase. 1—2. Calcutta, Bibi. Ind,, 1914—23. 8°. 3.—
3944 Väkpati. The Gaüdavaho, a historical poem in Prakrit. Ed. by
Shankar Pändurang. Bombay 1887. 8°. Hfrzbd. CCXXX, 12, 492 pag.
— Bombay Sanskrit Series, No. XXXIV. — Vergriffen. 15.—
3945 Vararuchi. The Prakrita-Prakasa: or the Prakrit grammar, with the
commentary (Manorama) of Bhamaha. With copious notes and an
English translation ed. by E. B. Cowell. Hertford 1854. gr. 8°.
Lwdbd. 4.50
3946 Walleser, M. Sprache und Heimat des Pali-Kanons. Heidelberg 1924.
8°. — Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus, H. 4. 2.—
3947 Warren, H. C. Buddhism in translations; passages selected from
the Buddhist sacred books, and translated from the original Päli
into English. 6. issue. Cambridge, Mass. 1915. Royal-80. Lwdbd.
540 pag. 5.50
Umfangreiche Sammlung von Auszügen aus Pali-Werken, in engl. Üebersetzung, über
die Dogmatik des Buddhismus u. d. philosoph. Anschauungen, welche dem religiösen
System desselben zu Grunde liegen, sowie über das buddhist. Mönchsleben.
3948 Weber, A. Ueb. d. Sapta^atakam d. Häla, e. Beitr. z. Kenntnis d.
Prakrit. Leipzig, Abh. f. d'. K. d. M., 1870. 8°. (8 M.) 4.—
3949 Woolner, A. C. Introduction to Prakrit. Calcutta 1917. 8°. Hlwdbd. 7.50
3950 Yogavachara. Manual of a Mystic; transl. from the Pali and Sinhalese
by F. L. Woodward. Ed. with introductory essay by Mrs. Rhys Da-
vids. London, Pali Text Society, 1916. 8°. Hlwdbd. — Translation
Series, VI. 12.50

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3951 Acivishopama Sutraya. Sama sahita. Colombo 1891. 8°. 34 pag. —
In Sinhalese.
3952 Anuruddha Thera. Abhidharmartha Sangraha; with a paraphrase by
Nandaramatissa Thera, revised by M. Dharmaratne. (Colombo) 2434.
8°. 135 pag. — In Sinhalese.
3953 Balawatara. Pali grammar (in Sinhal. characters). Ed. by Devarakkhita.
Colombo 1869. 8°. Kart.
3954 -Dasselbe. With Sinh, commentary. Colombo 1885. 8°. 103 pag.
3955 -Dasselbe. Ed. by D. Jinaratna, finally revised by D. A. de
Silva Batmoantudara. Colombo 1889. 8°. 126 pag.
3956 -Dasselbe. Ed. by Dhammakitti Sangharaja, with a commen-
tary by H. Sumangala. Colombo 1892. 8°. Ldrbd. — In Sinhalese
3957 Bible in the Singhalese language. (Catholic.) Colombo 1864. 8°.
Ldrbd. 388, 32 pag.
3958 Clough, B. Sinhalese-English dictionary. New and enlarged edition.
Colombo 1892. gr. 8°. Lwdbd. 824 pag.
3959 Dhammapadam. Pali text in Sinhalese characters, with a Sinhalese
transl. rev. by H. Devamitte. Colombo 1889. 8°. Lwdbd. 137 pag.
3960 Dharmadasa. The Vidagdhamukhamandana. Pali text w. a trans-
lation into Sinhalese by C. A. Seelakkandha Thera publ. by P. E. Kalu-
pahana. Colombo 1902. 8°. 118 pag.
Otto Harrassowitz in Leipzig.



