Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat
Bücher-Katalog (Nr. 408): Indien: Sanskrit-, Pali- und Praktrit-Literatur: neuindische Dialekte, vergleichende indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft — Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, Buchhandlung und Antiquariat, 1927

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44 III. Indisches Religionswesen (Yoga-Lehre und Yoga-Literatur).
932 Vendidad. In Transcription, mit Index u. Glossar hrsg. v. H. Brockhaus.
Leipzig 1850. 8°. Hlwdbd. (18 M.) — Vergriffen. 6.—
933 — Avesta text w. Pahlavi translation, commentary and glossarial index
ed. by H. Jamasp w. the assistance of M. M. Gandevia. 2 vols. Bom-
bay 1907. gr. 8°. XXXII. 696, 271 pag. 25.—
Schön gedruckte Ausgabe, von dem gelehrten Parsen auf Veranlassung des „Government
of Bombay“ herausgegeben.
934 — Translated into Gujarati w. a summary of the Pehlevi comment. and
cop. notes by A. M. P. Madan. Bombay 1886. 8°. Lwdbd. 3.—
935 — Dasselbe. 2. ed. Bombay, Nirnaya Sagara Press, 1884. gr. 8°.
Sarsbd. 272 pag. 5.—
936 — Fargard 1—4. Ed. J. Olshausen. Pars I (un.). Hamb. 1829. 4°. —
Autographiert. 2.50
937 — Capita 5 priora. Ed. Chr. Lassen. Bonnae 1852. 8°. 67 pag. 1.—
938 — Das 18. Kapitel, übers, u. erklärt v. M. Haug. München Ak. 1869.
8°. 54 pag. L—
939 West, E. W. Zaratustra’s doctrine regard. the soul. London 1899. 8°.
(S.-A.) L-
940 Drei Yasht aus dem Zendavesta übers, und erklärt von K. F. Geldner.
Stuttgart 1884. 8°. (5 M.) 2.—
941 -Dasselbe. XV, 143 pag. Lwdbd. (5 M.) 3.—
942 Yastia 6X. The Pahlavi version. Ed. w. the collations of mss., engl.
transl., explan. and philological notes and an introd. by M. B. Davar.
Leipzig 1904. 8°. 4-—
„This work is a result of eastern and Western scholarship combined in one person,
and is intended to show how the Pahlavi translation of the Avesta could be really made
serviceable for the interpretation of the Avesta.“
943 Yasna and Nirang. (Mit Gujarati-Erläuterungen.) Bombay 1861. gr. 8°.
304 pag. Hldrbd. 4-""

Yoga-Lehre und Yoga-Literatur.
944 Abhedananda, Swami. How to be a Yogi. 6. ed. San Francisco, Cal.,
n. d. 8°. With 1 portr. Lwdbd. 188 pag. 7.50
945 Acharya, Swami Sri Ananda. Karlima Rani, being lectures on the recon-
struction of the humanity-ideal. (On Yoga practice; English text.) Alvdal
1921. 242 pag. 2.50
946 Aiyar, K. Narayanaswami. Yoga: lower and higher. Madras 1916. 8°.
Hlwdbd. 271 pag. 4.50
947 Arkaja. Raja Yoga. Die geheime Lehre Indiens zur Erlangung eines
besseren Lebens. Berlin 1911. 8°. L—-
948 Asanga. Mahayana-Sutralamkara. Expose de la doctrine du grand vehicule
selon le Systeme Yogacara. Ed. et tradz. par S. Levi. 2 vols. Paris
1907—11. gr. 8°. — Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, fase.
159 et 190. 13.-
949 Besaut, A. An introduction to Yoga. Four lectures delivered at the
32®d anniversary of the Theosophical Society, held at Benares, on Dec.
27^, 28^, 29th, 30^ 1907. 3^ ed. Madras 1920. kl. 8°. Lwdbd. 4.-
950 Bhagavan Narayana. Yoga Deepika. Sanskrit text with an English trans-
lation. With the commentary of Hamsa Yogi ed. by K. T. Sreenivasachariar.
Madras 1917. kl. 8°. 40, XXL 45, 9, XXIX, 47 pag. — Suddha Dharma
Mandala Series, No. 2. 2.50
951 Bhaskara Mi^ra. Trikanda Mandanah, being an exposition of the Soma-
Yoga aphorisms of Apastamba. With an anonymous comment. ed. by
CandrakantaTarkalankaraBhattacharya. 3fase. Calcuttal898—1903. 8°. 6.—
952 Carrington, H. Higher psychical development. Yoga philosophy. An
outline of the secret Hindu teachings. New York 1920. 8°. 15.—
953 Oasgupta, S. Yoga as philosophy and religion. London 1924. 8°. Lwdbd. —
Trübner’s Oriental Series. 11.—
Bücher-Katalog Nr. 408.