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Himalayan Times — 1959

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(Twa $imal<M>«n Sim" June SI, 1969


world. In the 12th Cen-

BY B. B. RAY CHAUDHURI tury, Japanese piotoria)

• oroils reached the height

( Oar London Correspondent) of artistry and have never

quite died out since. These

Loudon, June 14 sre superb little volumes

L] . whioh everyone interested

The Indian Art Exhi- Tuesday, 16th June, he oij„ ,Mj)y afford to buy

bition at St. George's will give a lecture reoital for fifteen shillings eash.

gallery on "The Life of at the Senate House of There ie much epe-

Buddha" a set of twelve the London University u , fa „ , , . f

colour etchings by the followed by class.eal, hght ,bout th/u,k, which

young Qoan.se artist,Lax- and tt NW by the fc , between fc

mruPa^Whl°pWa? ?P,°' !*T t\ t n A° Conservative end Labour

ed by f Mrs. Pandit, is at the M.hatma Gandhi p t, on c, , M

attracting a large number Hall on the 34th June. ,nd there is a rumour

of visitors. Hiis_ young Busk Books, that there is likely to be

K^fwooi L™- ..»t m. three Tory-Labour agreement

, , " . J, i t, V8I7 interesting books on on the future development

of Art in -Bombay where T » . . " . . . ... * o ■ i »r • «l

u i-i.. u.„ u j_i Japanese Art, which will of Central Africa- There

he won the Mayo Medal - r . . ' ... . ✓ . .

r >l u i » j » * appeal te every artist are many misgivings in

for the best student of rK . . , .' T ,. ■ i .

...____■ l_. ,____ and Art lover in India. the progressive elements

the year in 1947, has been m, ... 5l t i t>

, J.__j ___' _r They are "ShAbaku ' bv within the Labour Party

acclaimed one of the nI. ' « ... ,.Tr ., , .. _ a
most gifted of the youn- ™w5. <irllI.,i "HiBMHiOk- if he talks on Central
ger Indian artists. Lax- ^ rak"hl SDuzuk'- and Afr,ci »re "«°ved *roni
man Pai studied many ' J«*nesh P'i c t u r ■. the Party arena. It will
works on Buddha at the Scrolls" by Elise Grilli also hamper the Labour
University Library in About Sharaku's Art end apposition, «. far main-
Bombay, and made pre- ',f6 Tf"w,„„faoUl tamed, against th.Govern-
liminary sketches on the known; in j«f*- menf. policy in Nya.a-
boat while returning to n,,e Art, "»tb land. Such by partisan
Europe. He is now she- WWi Slfud frt,,*> •nd P° J0'. on, Cenira' Af.n."
ring a studio in London Sharaku was hardly no- will involve Labounties
with his friend and fellow t,0,a- One hundred years m manoeuvres which will
artist, F. N. Souza Pai 'at,r, the Western oritics only tie the Opposition's
and Souza are the' only appreciated him. This hands._

two Goanese artists wor- ™lume wm* "P t -„,oT »M,„Hr.

king in Europe. . documentary faots aboat just arrived

. , . „, Sharaku's life. Hiroshige A limited atook of

Ustad AhAkbarKhan, remains the best lored .

eur finest Sarod virtuoso, for his art of woodblock HOOLA HOOPS

is attracting large audien- printing. This volume _,lv.

ces also, following his contains 24 full-colour re- BUY TODAY

suooessful reoital at the productions of Hiroshige's HIMALAYAN STORES

lUyal Festival Hall. On best works. "Japanbsb KalimponG