Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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February 11, 1962 Himalayan Times Fiv

Darjeeling, Feb 9

The recent spate of
rumours and oontradio-
tions regarding concentra-
tion of Tibetan guerrillas
and Chineie foroee in the
Mustang area it largely
influenced, if not moti-
vated, by politioal consi-

To any ebaerrer con-
versant with tbe happen-
ing! io. Tibet aqd iti
border areas ever ainoe
the Chinese take-over, one
■ignifioant faot emerges—
that Tibetan guerrillas
have not ceased to worry,
harass and pillage Chinese
forces and convoys when-
ever the opportunity arises.

In the north and
north-eastern sectors, the
Chinese have yet to effec-
tively subdue the Kham-
pas and Amdos. The
southern seotor, particu-
larly areas adjoining Loka,
had seen some fighting
after the Dalai Lama's
escape to India. The
western and sontb.western
seotors, particularly inac-
cessible areas adjoining
northern Nepal, had seen
intensive skirmishes bet.
ween Chinese troops and
Tibetan guerrillas last
year. Aooerding to infor-
mation available here, the
Chinese are now aotively
considering taking strong
military action to wipe
out rebel pookets in areas
adjoining Mustang and

have oonoentrated troops
on areas adjoining the
north and north-eastern
peripheries of Nepal.


New Delhi, Feb. 9
Jaisalmer is the big-
gest Assembly oonstituenoy
in India. Its 66,000 voters
are spread over an area
of nearly 15,100 miles.

The biggest Parlia.
mentary oonstituenoy—
Barmer—is also in Ra-
jasthan. ( It covers an
area of nearly 30,000 sq.


Tenders in staled co-
vers superscribed "Tender
for Clearing Agency" are
invited by the Director of
Cinchona, Weil Benjal, P. 0.
MuDfpeo, Diit. Darjeeling,
on behalf of the Gover-
nor of West Bengal, for
Clearing Agenoy at Siliguri
for the period from the
1st April, 1962 to the
31st Maroh, 1963. The
last date of receipt of
the lenders is the 1st
March, 1962 up to 4 P H.

2. Enoh tenderer must
deposit earnest money of
Rs. 500/- into Treasury
under tbe head "P.Depo-
sit & Advances—(Earnest
Money)—Revenue Depo-
sits" in favour of the
Direotor of . Cinobona,
West Bengal, and tbe
original receipted Treasury
Challans must accompany

the tender. Valid Sales
Tax and Inoome Tax
Clearance Certificates must
also accompany the tender.
Preference will be given
to parties having expe-
rience in Clearing Agenoy
work and having suitable
godowns at Siliguri.

3. The tenderers must
state dearly the charges
per quintal under the
different heads, namely:*'

(a) Agenoy Commis-
sion. '

(b) Transport charge
from Railway Stations .or
Airways Offioes or /Mer-
chants' godowns at Siliguri
to the Contractors' go-
down at Siliguri.

(o) Storage charge at
Contractor's god own at
. Siliguri.

(d) Charges for load-
ing or unloading from
vehicles belonging to Cin-
chona Directorate.

4. The selected ten.
derer will be required to
execute a formal contract
and deposit into Treasury
Rs. 3000/- (Rupees three
thousand only) as Security
Mousy within two weeks
from the date of aooep-
tince of the tender. Fai-
lure to do so will entail
forfeiture of the Earnest

6. The Direotor of
Cinchona is not bound
to aooept the lowest or
any tender. Tenders will
be opened at Mungpoo
on the 2nd March, 1962.