Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

May 20, 1962



During the Seoond
Five Year Plan the Edu-
cation Department of the
Govt, of West Bengal
did a lot for the promo-
tion of eduoation through-
out the Distriot. There
are various new schemes
in the 3rd Plan and very
soon we shall have the
North Bengal University
at Siliguri. This univer-
sity shall go a long way
for the promotion of higher
eduoation in North Bengal.

The demand for .a 3
Year Degree College for
Kalimpong, has been rai.
sed on several occasion
in the past, SO far nothing
has been done for estab-
lishment of a buoh College
here. The one and only
intermediate college at
Kalimpong was olosed last
year and to-day this Sub-
Division is without a
College. The need for a
3 year Degrees College for
Kalimpong is welknown
to the authorities concer-
ned and we hope the
eduoation department will
give a serious considera-
tion to this long felt need
of the Sub-Division.


Tenders in sealed co-
vers, superscribed 'Carriage
o( Building Materials (or
Ipecac Nurseries' are invited
by the Manager, Govern-
ment Cinohona Plantation,
Mungpoo on behalf of
the Governor of West
Bengal, for carriage of
Nursery building materials
(Bamboo posts, beams,
rafters, purlins etc) for
Ipecac Nursery, 18 line,
Mungpoo Division, from
road aides of Rumbee
road to 18 line, Nursery.
All the materials are kept
on the motor road sides.

The work should be
completed within six weeks
from the date of accep-
tance of tender.

The rates should be
quoted per maund per
mile, inclusive of all
charges, i.e., loading, un-
loading, carrying, weigh-
ing and stacking eto. at
18 line. Loose bundles
will have to be tied by
the Contractor before
weighing and stacking the

Each tender should

be aocompaoied with Ear-
nest money of Rb. 60/-
(Rupees fifty) only in
oash. The approved ten-
derer will have to exe-
cute a contract in pro-
per form and deposit
Security money ' repre-
senting 10% of the total
amount of work, in Trea-
sury Challan within 10
days after acceptance of
the tender. If the ten-
derer, whose tender has
been aocepted, fails to
comply with the above
conditions, Earnest money
is liable to be forfeited
to Government. The Se-
curity money deposited
by a Contractor is liable
to be forfeited, wholly or
partially if Government
suffers any loss due to
negligence or act of omis-
sion or commission on
the part of the contrac-
tor, his employees in con-
nection with the work.

The tender should
reaoh the undersigned on
or before 21st May 1902
during office hours.

The undersigned is
not bound to acoept the
lowest or any tender.

Govt. Cinohona i'lantation,



BY David Macoonald
Himalayan Stores,'
