Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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December S,


Himalayan Times


WHY SEP:£rtB£R 8, LINE !
( Continued from pa^e 5 )
September 8, 1902. This
position must be restored.

In the western sector,
too. Chinese do not define
their "line of actual con-
trol." The utmost they
ere prepared to say is
that it coincides ''in the
main" with what they cull
"the traditional and cus-
tomary line." The fact of
the matter is that, in
this sector, the Chinese
line of actual control in
November 1^59 was no
line at all It was merely
a series of positions of
the Chinese forces on
Indian territory, positions
progressively established
since 1957 by forcibly acd
unilaterally altering the
traditional Btatus quo of
the boundary, evert while
ihe Government of China
were assuring the Govern-
ment of India that they
had no territorial claims
against India.

In the Chinese three-
point proposal, even this
so-called J\ovember7, 1959
"line of actual control''
has been projected three
years ahead, to be broadly
identical with the line of
actual control established
by Chinese forces through
massive attacks which
commenced oa October
20, 1962.

The position may be
summarised in the words
used by the Prime Minister
in his letter to the Chi-

nese Prime .Minister on
November 14, 1962: "Your
present proposal in brief
amounts in broad terms
to this: because India had
been pressing China to
r?medy the forcible altera-
tion of the Btatus quo
since i9?>7 in the western
seotcr} China has under-
taken since September 8,
1U62, deliberately and in
cold blood, a further
massive aggression and
occupied larger areas of
Indian territory and is
now making the magnani-
mous offer of retaining the
gains of the earlier aggres-
sion plus such gains as it
can secure by negotiations
from the latest aggression
on the basis of the Chinese
three-point proposals."

Again, in the words
i f the Prime Minister:
"This is a demand to
which India will never

India insists on the
following minimum cor-
rective action before talks
can be held;

1) Tn the eastern sec-
tor, the Chinese forces will
gu back to the pos tions
they held on November 7,
1969, i e., they will be on
the other side of the
boundary along the Hima-
layan watershed whioh
thev first crossed on Sep-
tember 8. 1962.

2} In the central sec-
tor, the position will be
the same, i.e., they will

be to the north of the
highest water-shed ridge,

3) In the western sec-
tor, the Chinese forces will
go back to the positions
they held on November 1,
1959, i e., along the line
connecting their Spanggur
Post, Khurnak Fort and
KoDt?ka La and then
northwards to join the
main Aksai Chin Road.


Tez;:ure, Dec. 5
Chinese troops used lo
shout out orders to Indian
jawans in some of the Indian
languages and English while
overrunning Indian positions
in NEFA to hoodwink them
and make them believe that
these orders were from
their own officers, according
to reports reaching here

This is another example
of treacherous shock tactics
of the Chinese. They also
used to disguise themselves
as local Monp.i tribesmen
and even often wore the
olive-green uniform of the
Indian Army.

The reports said the
Chinese have masieted
Army jargon in the South
Indian language of Tamil,
besides Hindi an.i English.


