Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 157 (March 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The Arts and Crafts Society's exhibition at the New Gallery, [1]
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The Arts and Crafts Society s Exhibition

Sybil Pye, are among those who contribute C. W. Whall, and Mr. Henry Payne. Some of

good work. Mr. Heywood Sumner's bold designs them are excellent, but more interest attaches to

for sgraffito decoration for St. John's Church, the innumerable examples of applied art that fill

Miles Platting, two of which were reproduced last the cases in this room. Of the jewellery, of which

month (page 299), also call for notice in the South there is a great quantity, it is difficult to speak.

Room, together with designs for end-papers and In workmanship it is in the mass immeasurably

covers for children's books by Mr. Walter Crane; superior to the similar work of a few years ago,

Mr. Joseph E. Southall's engravings; attractive a result that is doubtless due to the good training

book-plates by Mr. G. W. Eve and Mr. H. of the technical schools. But why is there such

Lawrence Christie; the quaintly illustrated printed an extraordinary family likeness in all or nearly all

pages, with coloured initial letters, from the these scores of pendants, brooches, rings, necklaces

" Histoire de la Reine du Matin et de Soliman and clasps? The resemblance is shown not only

Ben Daoud" (the title-page and cover of which in the shape and colour schemes but in the

were reproduced last month), shown by Mr. Lucien materials, which look as if they were all derived

Pissarro; and the curious and fanciful drawing from the same source.

by Mr T. C. Derrick, The River (page 35). In the other classes of small objects of applied

The place of honour in the West Room has art there is a great deal of highly accomplished

been given deservedly to a work of sustained and handiwork and no lack of variety and novelty,

sincere effort, a large triptych in tempera for the The severe simplicity of Mr. W. A. S. Benson's

Church of St. Martin's, Kensal Rise, which^has three-piece tea set of gleaming silver is matched
been carried to a success-
ful conclusion by Mr. John

D. Patten. The work is i^BtK/j^^^^^^SS^^^^^SSSS^^^SSSSSSS^^SSS^^^^Sl

imbued with a reverent
spirit that reveals itself also
in the numerous and elabo- ■UttuUtHiH
rate preliminary studies
shown by Mr. Batten,
which include several draw-
ings of great interest. Mrs.

J. D. Batten was princi- BWBfiitftll8wff^B8Bfl»5IB

carving and gilding of the ^B^HBK|EEEQsiag£|8|

base and framework that ^^r^jfKjiHUl^wtTu^nwKt

form a not unimportant ^HH^SpK^^I^^^^^Sh
part of the design. The

centre panel of the triptych ^^^^^9mSBB^^^B^B^^^^^^S^SB^^aiS^m&S^SS^^^^^

was reproduced in The "

Studio last month (page

305), and in fulfilment of ESgggfiSSiH

the promise then made a

view of the complete work ^^^^^3BB^^^^^B^SHfiBHBBB^38BBBWH^HBHMBBM

is now given (page 33).
Two vast but somewhat
empty cartoons for frescoes
:iv Mrs. ,\Larj :: >■■■ : ::

Florence, hang on the same IBe^S^I^^^^^SS^S^S^SSS^^S^^^SS^^^^S^^^^SI

wall with Mr. Batten's
work, and the West Room
also contains large designs
in various mediums by

Mr. Walter Crane (among ^E£^g^MMCjs5B*gMM!jiJH

them The To7'ch Ttetzrersi

'' binding in niger morocco designed by t. j. cobden-sanderson

Miss Veronica Whall, Mr. (exhibited by w. h. smith & son)
