Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 159 (May 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Bone, Herbert A.: Pictorial stencilling: some experiments and results$nElektronische Ressource
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A new series of English etchings by Mr. Joseph Pennell
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New Etchings by Mr. Joseph Pennell

vertible into a silhouette, and any tracery into dark
reticulation, the tie-forms remaining when the spaces
they enclose are washed clear. It thus doubles the
value of all cutting, giving it either a positive or
negative use, and in conjunction with the shutter
system of tinting (Fig. ioa) opens up fresh possibili-
ties for the future vogue of stencil. H. A. B.

The exhibitions to be held in Rome next year, in
commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
proclamation of the unity of Italy, will consist of an
International Art Exhibition and an International
Exhibition of Architecture. In connection with the
former, prizes amounting to a total of 200,000 lire
(about ,£8,000) will be awarded, the bulk being
allotted to paintings and sculpture, while about
.£400 will be set aside for engravings, lithographs,
etc., and a similar sum for critical essays on the
exhibition. In connection with the exhibition of
Architecture two important competitions have been
decided on—one national, the other international.
The latter, open only to architects and builders of
other countries than Italy, and having for its subject
the building and complete equipment of a modern
house, will carry with it three prizes of 150,000 lire,
100,000 lire, and 50,000 lire respectively (,£6,000,
^4,000 and ,£2,000). Full particulars of the two
exhibitions and of the competitions may be obtained
from the Exhibition Branch of the Board of Trade,
Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, or from the
Presidenza del Comitato per le Festi Commemora-
tive del 1911, 11, Piazza Venezia, Rome.


Apart from his acknowledged mastery of the
needle, it must surely be conceded to Mr. Joseph
Pennell that he is one of the most indefatigable
workers of the present day. It seems but yester-
day that he brought back from America that
remarkable series of plates in which he has recorded
his impressions of the great industrial centres of
that country where human energy is concentrated
upon the production of coal, oil, and steel; and
yet in the brief interval he has, besides sundry
essays in mezzotint and aquatint, executed a new
set of plates on the lines of the American set, but
with subjects chosen from the manufacturing
towns of England. This new series, from which
we have, by permission of the artist, been enabled
to reproduce three typical plates, comprises in all
some fifteen or sixteen subjects, vividly portraying
the physiognomy of Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Wol-
verhampton, and Birmingham. Collectively they
form an exceedingly interesting companion to the
American set, not only on account of the kinship
of motif they exhibit, but especially because in them
we discern once more that gift of the artist to which
reference was made by Dr. Singer when writing in
these pages on the American plates last June—the
gift of seeing beauty where the world at large is
unable to discover anything beyond the common-