Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 159 (May 1910)
DOI article:
The Morgan Memorial, Hartford, Conn.
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The Morgan Memorial, Hartford

morgan memorial building benjamin wistar morris

hartford, conn. architect

THE MORGAN MEMORIAL, HART- iron. Very little wood has been used in the build-
FORD, CONN. ing proper. The doors communicating with the
Colt wing are fireproof and the sloping glass sky-
A memorial building erected in the lights are heavily reinforced with wire. The ex-
name of Junius S. Morgan, father of terior is of pink Tennessee marble. The main
J. Pierpont Morgan, was recently dedicated in staircase hall and principal corridor are also faced
Hartford, Conn. The building will be used as an with marble. To hold together the contrasting
art gallery, and it is understood that many of Mr. architectural styles and materials of the memorial
Morgan's objects of art now in Europe may be building and the Athenaeum, which is Gothic in
brought here for safekeeping. The building is the general character and of weathered Glastonbury
work of Benjamin Wistar Morris, architect. The granite, the Colt wing has been given a wall surface
finished portion of the building contains the princi- of rockfaced ashlar and Crotch Island granite,
pal entrance and staircase hall. A transverse corri- through which are run courses of the Tennessee
dor running north and south connects with the marble, with carved ornamental work in the same
older Wadsworth Athena;um Building. At right material,
angles with this corridor extensions of the Morgan

Building will be added in the future. Immediately T OUIS MARK, of Budapest, showed a collec-

on the east will be a gallery for sculpture, three J—t tion of his interesting paintings at the Na-

stories in height. This will be lighted from alcoves tional Arts Club, New York, last month. The

on the first and second floors on the north and south exhibition aroused great interest as an example of

and from the clear-story windows at the third-story the better Hungarian painting of the day, too

level. The western pavilion is of fireproof con- seldom seen in this country. The exhibition is

struction, even the door trim being covered with now on view at the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy.
