Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 157 (March 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Whitehall, Mr. Flagler's residence at Palm Beach
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Whitehall, Mr. Flagler s Residence

WHITEHALL, MR. FLAGLER'S of the Aubusson tapestry in old colorings; the
RESIDENCE AT PALM BEACH portieres are of the same, in different designs
of tapestry. The dining room chairs are cov-
Mr. Henry M. Flagler's resi- ered with Aubusson tapestry. Each piece was
dence, called "Whitehall," at Palm especially made. The long table of satinwood,
Beach, one of the most interesting private houses in to correspond with the room, is covered with a
the country, was designed by Carrere & Hastings, cloth of plain green velour. There is an applique
and the interiors, of which several reproductions are border and monogram in the center. The window
shown herewith, were the work of Pottier & Stymus. curtains are of rich Cobert lace, the rug of Savon-
The first-floor plan provides for the grand hall nerie, the center being plain green, with rich border,
salon, dining room, breakfast room, art gallery and representing fruit and game.

music room, billiard room, ballroom and the own- The carving of the buffets and china cabinets is
er's private office. On the second floor there are particularly noteworthy. The room is lighted by
Mrs. Flagler's chamber, boudoir and dressing room, four bronze and crystal chandeliers. The andirons
and twelve guest
chambers. These
rooms are all treat-
ed in period styles.
In addition there
are a number of
servants' rooms,
and valets' and
maids' rooms for
visiting guests.

The grand dining
room is treated in
Francois I design.
The size is 44 x 33
feet. The room is
finished in satin-
wood, with the ceil-
ing divided into
panels and orna-
mented with papier
mache in tones of
green coloring, re-
lieved by gold. The
mantel is a remark-
able piece of carv-
ing, some of it being
so fine that a mag-
nifying glass is
needed to see the
details of the work.
A panel of Aubus-
son is introduced in
the frame.

The walls are
hung in two shades
of green tapestry,
and the windows
are draped with

plain green silk ve- billiard residence of h. m. flagler, esq.

lour, having bands room "Whitehall," palm beach, fla.
