Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 159 (May 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

struction and decoration. He was fortunate
enough to find an admirable site on the western
slope of Carlton Hill, in the seclusion of a neigh-
bourhood of large gardens, although within a
hundred yards or so of the great thoroughfare of
Maida Vale. Here, set amid lawns and flower
beds, stood, until last year, a Mid-Victorian
suburban house of a commonplace and ugly type,
and on the foundation and core of this house Sir
George has reared his own. His ideal was not a
so-called "artistic" house, but a house that an
artist would like to live in, and that he has
achieved his aim is proved by the combination of
simplicity and practical usefulness shown in the
charming rooms and: workmanlike studios at
Carlton Hill.

■"bread" ("the blue bird") by cayley robinson The new house shows, naturally, in numberless

details, the impress of the mind of the original and

RECENT DESIGNS IN DOMES- g'fted artist by whom it was projected. Although
TIC ARCHITECTURE ''tt'e °^ George's - actual handiwork is to be

seen except in the studio, every room shows some-
Sir George Frampton's new house in thing of his individuality, something that marks
St. John's Wood represents the fulfilment of along- the house as his and that of no other artist. The
cherished plan of building for himself a residence visitor entering by the oak door, reached by steps
in which he could embody his own ideas of con- of red brick, passes through a small outer hall

sir george frampton's house at st. john's wood
