Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 160 (June 1910)
DOI article:
The Society of Graver-Printers in Colour
DOI article:
Margaux, Adrian: The paintings of Enrique Serra
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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The Paintings of Enrique Serra

colouring with a fine
sense of line. Mr. Alfred
Hartley is an artist
steeped in the secrets of
his art. Full of fancy,
deep tones and varied
effects, his work should
appeal to the art lover and
collector. The qualities
of his grounds contrasting
with the soft line treat-
ment form the chief
pleasure of his work as an

W. Lee Hankey.

-, , ,„~T*Dr^™c\ (In a later number we

constance (water-colour print from wood-blocks) v

by john d. batten hope to give a repro-

duction of one of Mr.
resting from the point of view of direct decorative Sydney Lee's wood-block prints.—The Editor.)
treatment, and the use of fluid and thick colour

combined. In the choice of subjects simple effects rpHE PAINTINGS OF ENRIQUE
are aimed at by them, the quality, for the most part, SERRA. BY ADRIAN MAR-

depending on the application of the colour. A GAUX.
great fascination these prints possess is their trans-

lucent-like surface, akin to that of water-colour. A Spaniard by birth and an Italian by adoption,
In the prints of Mr. Sydney Lee, Mr. J. D. Batten the career of Enrique Serra has resembled in some
and Mr. Laurenson we find a sober treatment of respects that of his countryman, Mariano Fortuny.

" sur un quai a rome'

by enrique serra