Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 157 (March 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The Arts and Crafts Society's exhibition at the New Gallery, [1]
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Evans's collection ("A
Picture Collector's Experi-
ment " was the title of
the article), published in
our issue for October. The
illustration was not a bad
one for the ordinary half-
tone process, but we are
glad to be in a position,
through the kindness of
the owner, to give our
readers this reproduction
in colours of the little
panel, thus adding one
more to the numerous
series of fac-simile repro-
ductions of Whistler's
works which have appeared
in these pages during the
past six or seven years.
The painting was pur-
chased by Judge Evans

three etched glass goblets by harry j. powell

Attractive designs for wallpapers by Mr. Lewis
F. Day, Mr. Walter Crane, Mr. R. L. Knowles,
Mr. Horace Warner and others, and a great
number of small pieces of furniture and of decor-
ative work of various kinds, are also shown in the
North Room. Prominent among them are three
striking groups in carved and coloured wood, The
Warden of the Marches, by Mr. George Jack (page
39), a casket carved in French walnut by Miss
Maria E. Reeks; the screens by Mr. R. Morton
Nance (see page 39) and Miss Annie Garnett, and
the large two-handled jar designed by Mrs. Powell.

It is satisfactory to notice that needlework of all
kinds has many able exponents at the exhibition.
Space unfortunately forbids any detailed reference
to this section here, but as it is intended to return
to the subject of the exhibition next month, when
further illustrations will be given, we hope then to
say more about this as well as other matters which
have been but lightly touched upon above.

W. T. W.


(From Our Own Correspondents.)

LONDON.—The Harmony in Blue and
Silver: Beaching the Boat, by Whistler,
which we reproduce as our frontispiece
this month, will be remembered by most
of our readers as one which appeared among the child's pocket embroidered in silk

illustrations to the article on his Honour Judge BY G" ^ZTafffl^) m
