Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 157 (March 1910)
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Art School notes
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Art School Notes

President, presented the medal to Miss Robilliard,
is the great-grandson of Thomas Banks. In carry-
ing off the Gold Medal for Historical Painting
Miss Robilliard crowned a brilliant career at the
Academy schools, where she had already gained
among other awards the Turner Medal, the Cres-
wick Medal, and the cartoon prize; and the skilful
management of her Dives and Lazarus gives
promise of a future of distinction. She has in this
clever picture followed on general lines the inter-
pretation of the parable according to Swedenborg
and Archbishop Trench. The rich man with his
pride and pomp represents the Jewish nation, and
the outcast at his gate the despised Gentiles. The
Jewish nation and Church had hitherto been the
chosen custodians of the Word, but now the
Gospel was to be preached to the whole world,
and the child, toying with the hour glass and some
peacocks' feathers, typifies the passing away of the
old dispensation. Additional interest is given to
the success of Miss Robilliard by the fact that she
is the first woman-student to gain a Gold Medal
and Travelling Studentship at the Royal Academy.
The late Madame Canziani (Louisa Starr) and
Miss Jessie Macgregor each in her year won the
Gold Medal for Historical Painting, but not the
Travelling Studentship, which was until 1879 a
separate and distinct award. The first competition
for the combined medal and studentship of f~2oo
was in 1881, when Mr. Melton Fisher was success-

Mr. Alfred Buxton, who carried off the Gold
Medal and Travelling Studentship for composition
in sculpture, was one of the most distinguished
students at the Technical College (City Guilds),
Finsbury, before he entered the schools of the
Royal Academy two years ago. Mr. Buxton's
well - deserved success is in a great measure
due to the excellent training he received at
the Technical College, where he worked eight
years, at first under Mr. Wright and afterwards
under Mr. Gilbert Bayes. An illustration of
Mr. Buxton's admirably modelled relief, The
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, that
gained him the gold medal, is given on p. 77. The
third of the biennial Gold Medals and Travelling
Studentships at the Royal Academy was gained
by Mr. Harry Herbert Jewell for the best archi-
tectural design of A Nobleman's Mansion in a Large
Park, with Terraces down to the River. There
were eleven competitors for the prize of ,£40 for
a design for the decoration of a portion of a public
building, subject A Hunting Scene, Classical or


Mediceval. This, like the majority of the painters'
prizes at the Royal Academy, was taken by a
clever girl student, Miss Hetty Muriel Bentwich.
Miss Joan Joshua won the cartoon prize with a
well-drawn and imaginative drawing of A Female
Allegorical Figure of Winter; Miss G. M. Clark
Kennedy the Creswick prize for landscape; and
Miss L. A. E. Canziani (daughter of Madame
Canziani named above) the Armitage prize for figure
design in monochrome. The Turner Gold Medal
and Scholarship of ,£50 for landscape, subject
Fishing Boats making for Safety in a Gale, fell to
Mr. Tobias Lewis, with Miss Hilda Lennard as
proxime accessit; and the remaining prize winners
included Mr. L. L. Swain, Mr. F. C- Mitchell,
Mr. K. E Wootton, Miss Madeline Barker,
Mr. A. G. Wyon and Mr. F. J. Wilcoxson.
Landseer Scholarships of a year each were

given—in painting to Mr. R. H. Greig, Miss D. W.
Hawksley, Mr. T. Lewis, Mr. D. G. Shields and
Mr. J. Williams; and in sculpture to Mr. N. A.
Trent and Mr. F. J. Wilcoxson. W. T. W.

GLASGOW. —The extension at the
Glasgow School of Art is now a fait
accompli. The official opening was
the occasion of quite a distinguished
gathering, under the Presidency of Sir James
Fleming, Chairman of the School for nearly a
quarter of a century. On three nights a masque
entitled "The Growth of Art" was given by
students and friends, the book being the produc-
tion of the talented and indefatigable Director
Mr. Francis H. Newbery, and so popular was
the piece that it had to be repeated each
evening to crowded audiences. A dance, pre-
sentations, and other engagements were scattered
over the five days' festivities, all to emphasise
the importance of the event in the life of the
School. The glance backward over seventy years
of strenuous existence is interesting, forward it is
encouraging. Artists earning the highest distinc-
tion in different realms of Art have graduated
there, and now that it stands as the largest and
one of the best equipped Art Schools in the
Kingdom, the possibilities of distinction to students
are greater. The architect, Mr. Chas. R. Mack-
intosh, a former pupil, has impressed his strong
individuality on the building. At the same time the
evidences of care and thoughtfulness in adapting
the various parts to their special purposes are
many and striking. The system of lighting has
been carefully considered, and a novel kind of
window introduced. The studios are large and