Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 160 (June 1910)
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Sutherland, in his pastoral renderings as poetic as This is but brief mention of a few striking

in his titles. ___ pictures in a capital exhibition. There is, however,

one other picture that cannot in justice be omitted ;
In close proximity to the McTaggart landscape, it has been the cynosure of all true art lovers at
there hangs Lingering Winter, a great Houston, in the exhibition, and through the generosity of a
some respects the picture of the year. This trans- discriminating citizen it will take its place in the
cript of the Ayrshire countryside is charged with fine Corporation permanent collection. The Clouded
naturalness, and herein is the secret of the artist's Moon, by Julius Olsson, is the work of an artist
success. Other notable canvases are A Summer who has studied the sea to some purpose; and
Sea, R. M. G. Coventry, A.R.S.A., a striking the whole subject is treated in the most masterly
marine by the President of the Art Club; Loch manner. J. T.
Garry, by A. Brownlie Docharty, rich with pri-
mordial grandeur; When Autumn leaves breathe ■ ""VARIS.—The fifth exhibition of the Societe
not a sound, by Archibald Kay, R.S.W., well com- I J Internationale de la Peinture a FEau,
posed with stream, birch-clad banks and towering founded five years ago by that master of
hill beyond; Dundonald, by Walter McAdam, the art, Gaston La Touche, was full of
R.S.W., a poetic Ayrshire landscape; The Lune, work by the leading exponents of water-colour,
by William Wells, R.B.A., a characteristic stretch The show was admirably arranged, and the exhibits
of the Lancashire country with group of well- were most happily grouped on the walls, and,
drawn figures ; From the Mussel Beds, by William indeed, the ensemble reflected great credit upon
Pratt, and The Doves of the Salute, Venice, by the Society's distinguished President, Though
C. I. Lauder, R.S.W., a delightful study of Italian certain members, such as the Russian Alexandre
architecture and atmosphere. Benois, or Henry Cassiers, were unrepresented

