Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 160 (June 1910)
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Studio- Talk

style, a water-colour by
Fernand Khnopff reminded
us that this artist remains
ever faithful to his delicate
and essentially poetic
visions. Mr. Walter Gay
has in very few years
attained quite extraordin-
ary freedom in the medium
of water-colour. His three
interiors were perfect, in
composition and colour-
ing, while a landscape Le
Pont showed us that also
in plein - air subjects the
artist retains his own per-
sonality. H. F.

"owls" by raymond bigot


ERLIN.— Flor-
ence Jessie Hosel
holds a unique
position in our

I have often had occasion to praise in the pages present international domain of art-embroidery,
of The Studio, is M. Alexandre Marcette. He The Berlin Royal Museum of Arts and Crafts
must be ranked as one of the finest of Belgian recently signalised this fact by dedicating to her
sea-painters, and his contributions this year seemed the entire suite of rooms reserved for extra exhi.
to mark new progress, a wider vision, and a deeper bitions. This original artist has attracted attention

searching for effect. _ on several occasions, but never had we been in

a position to study her to such full extent. We
M. Lucien Simon remains, as ever, a brilliant could expect from her quite personal designs
water-colourist—his ability is unequalled, and his and colour effects, decorative charm, and the
Batteiise was a charming specimen of those fine speciality of poetical landscape pictures, but her
pictures of open-air life in which Simon sings in development in the sphere of the dramatic and
praise of nature and of toil. Of quite another the imaginative was the great surprise this time.

"spring in the GRUNBWALD"

embroidered by florence jessie hosel