Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 160 (June 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Mechlin, Leila: The Carnegie Institute's international exhibition
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Carnegie Institute Exhibition

exhibition from
the common plat-
form of art, the
one universal lan-

The exhibition
occupies seven
galleries, in only
one of which are
the pictures hung
in more than a
single line. Nat- ■* •
urally,this assures
good lighting and
effective arrange-
ment. Never be-
fore, it is thought,
has a higher gen-
eral average been
maintained. A
few—a very few—
of the exhibitors
are not represent-
ed at their best,
but the majority
have made nota-
ble contributions
and many show

a- n * a Uedal of Out Second Class and Prist of $1,000, Camsgte Instttutt, 1910 tmmbm.

distinct advance. ""^ ' by karl Anderson


I he keynote to

the exhibition is . .. u „j«j ;n

given in a collection of thirty-nine paintings by For the most part the pamtings comprehended in

Chflde Hassam, which serve as an introduction this exhibition are of sturdy merit, varied as expres-

to the display, being hung in the first of the main sions of art must always vary, through individual n-

series of galleries. Fresh, spontaneous, sparkling terpretation, yet free from capr.c.ous experimenta-

with light and color, these paintings give joyous tion. The ultra, the bizarre, the violent have not

greeting and a promise which is not ill fulfilled, found admission, nor has the flippant and merely

Mr. Hassam is supposedly the leading exponent of clever been given inclus.on. In the first ma n ga -

the French impressionist school in America, and lery hangs a recent pamt.ng by Abbott H. Thayer

yet in this exhibition his work seems conservative not previously exhibited-a Winged f^-th,

and, in the best sense, realistic. Has our viewpoint Virgin in angelic form characteristic but less ap-

shifted in these latter days? Pealing than some of this painter s earhe produc-

Quite a number of the paintings in this special tions. Beyond, to the left, on the end wall

exhibit have been borrowed from public galleries Cecilia Beaux's Banner Bearer, a work of compel-

and private collectors, but within reasonable limit ling strength and convincing s.mplic.ty-a wo k ut-

they are recent works. The most significant, per- terly without mannerism. Here, abo arc JohnW

haps, are those interpreting the sea, off the coast Alexander's latest pamtings, / he 7 enth .U se and

of New England, though the landscapes and street A Summer Day, shown last winter in New \ ork and

scenes are no less clever and convincing. Indeed, Philadelphia ; Frank Duveneck s portrait of Mr.

in some respects the last are most engaging, inter- Alexander, painted a number of years ago; JOtoS.

preting the spirit as well as aspect of urban life. Sargent's portrait of M.ss Bnce; Sorolla s port a t

The value of Mr. Hassam's work is increased by ag- of President Taft, together with impressrve futt-

gregation, the various phases of his art being thus length portraits by Sir James Guthrie, jonn a a

brought into harmonious interrelation. Costa and Thomas Eakms. By Sergeant Kendall
