Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Of the first accounts of the old castle and its inhal

year i32C^ when the lower castle is

1. CONRAD of HOHENSTAUFEN, Duke of Suabia and first

Count Palatine by Rhine,
born at Weiblingen 112?, married to Innengard of Henneberg,
was a step - brother of emperor Frederic Barbarossa, by the second
lady of her father, Frederic the one-eyed, duke of Suabia, by
birth a countess of Deuxponts and Saarbruecken, and possessed,
conjointly with his brother, from their mother, many domains on
the Rhine, especially in the Worms - and Speyer-Gau, which in-
duced him already in the year 1148, to sojourn repeatedly at

Being also duke of Franconia, the chapter of Worms invested
him not only with the fee of the castle of Heidelberg, but also with
that of the county of Stahlbuehl, together with the sovereignty
in the whole Lobdengau.

After the decease of count Palatine Herman II. in 1156, his
brother emperor Frederic I., conferred upon him the dignity of a
count Palatine by Rhine , which enabled him to encrease consider-
ably his hereditary domains on the Rhine, and thus to lay the
foundation of the important Palatinate on the Rhine. The town
of Heidelberg, and probably also the castle, he endeavoured to
enlarge and to adorn with fine buildings. He built the monastery
of Benedictines at Schoenau in 1142 , and converted the monastery
at Neuburg, near Heidelberg, belonging to the same order, into
an establishment for the reception of the unmarried daughters of
the nobility.



itantSj from the year 1148 to the peace of Pavia, in the
mentioned for the first time in a document.

After having made Heidelberg a residence $ and perhaps also
laid the foundation of the lower castle of Heidelberg, he died
and was buried in the monastery of Schoenau. The following is
his epitaph: Anno Dom'micae incarnationis MCXCV. VI. idus
Novembr. Obiti illustris Princeps Dominus Conradus Comes
Palatmus Rheni Dux sueviae Comes in Gemmo ponte Friderici
Barbarossae imperaloris *).

Conrad of Hohenstaufen left an only daughter, Agnes, who
was married to Henry of Brunswick, and inherited all the domains
of her father.


son of Henry the Lion, and son-in-law of the late duke Palatine
Conrad, born at Brunswick in 1169, and married to the countess
Palatine Agnes in 1193, succeeded his father-in-law in 1195, but
ceded the government of the Palatinate to his son Henry jun. in
1211, died in his hereditary dominions in 1227, and was buried
at St. Blasius at Brunswick, leaving behind him two children,
Henry and Agnes **).

Henry resided chiefly in his hereditary dominions, which
renders it likely that he contributed little to the improvement of
the castle and the town of Heidelberg.

*) Kaiser p. 208.

**) Wund, Landesgesch. d. Rheinpt'.
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