Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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have been very much enlarged, and brought into connexion with
the front-yard and the castle-garden, whilst the castle itself would
have consisted of three principal wings. From this large western
palace a road, supported by arches and ornamented with beautiful
balustrades, statues and fountains, by which one might have rode up
to the castle in carriages without trouble, was to have been carried
down, over the Maerzgasse, to the house belonging to the family of
Erb. The elector had formed equally grand plans concerning the
enlargement of the town, as it clearly appears by the original archi-
tectonic plans, which are still extant, but were not executed. The
church of the holy ghost, which still is divided in two halves by
a party - wall, he intended to have transformed again into a com-
plete Roman catholic church, promising that he would indemnify
the reformed congregation by building for their use a new church.
This plan and the attempted suppression of the Heidelberg - cate-
chism causing very violent disputes, Charles Philip, irritated at
the opposition he met with, resolved to remove his residence to
Mannheim , ordering the immediate building of that town , ex-
pending upon it the whole of the large sums, that had been in-
tended for Heidelberg, which greatly distressed the inhabitants of
the latter town. All the works which had been begun in the castle,
were suspended, and a deathlike silence now prevailed, where
shortly before all had been life and activity. Besides the princes'-
fountain, from which the drinking-water wanted at court was
every day carried to Mannheim, nothing else was built. No prince
entered the castle for a considerable time, whilst not only no care
whatever was taken to keep it in repair, but farther destruction was
suffered to take place here and there.

30. CHARLES THEODOR, Count Palatine and Elector,
of the house of Sulzbach , only son of the duke of Sulzbach,

born at Dorgenbusch near Brussels, Dec. 10, 1724, succeeded
to the government Jan. 1, 1742.

After the lapse of near twenty years, Charles Theodor re-
solved, June 24, 1764, to visit the castle and to dine there. On
this occasion, intending to revisit it frequently, he took the
resolution to have the building of Otto Henry put in proper order
for his reception. This plan , however, was suddenly frustrated,
a thunderstorm arising in that very night, when the lightening
struck the new court, and setting fire to the castle, consumed it
to the very offices, leaving none of the buildings uninjured, be-
sides the bandhouse and the church, which Charles Theodor
ordered to be newroofed, and reducing the whole to the ruin-
ous state in which it is seen at present. In 1771, a new plan for
covering and restoring the building of Otto Henry was made by
the architect Meyer; but it never was executed. The renovation of
the arches of the large terrace (75) the building of the bridge at the
castle-mount (1), of the lower princes'-fountain (49), the octagon
in the garden (77), as well as the planting of the garden with fruit-
trees , but, unfortunately, also the destruction of the grotto, the
demolition of the vaults in the building of Otto Henry, the denu-
dation of the wall of freestone in the fosse of the castle, were
executed most imprudently under the government of this prince.
The garden was, after the conflagration , transformed into an
orchard by the master of the horse von Oberndorf, but was
scarcely in a proper state, when it was let out on a lease, and till
1803 used as a cornfield, losing thereby completely all remaining
traces of its former magnificence. Under

31. MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH, King of Bavaria.

of the house of Deuxpouts, the castle was left in the same state
in which he had found it on his accession to the government.
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