Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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^ Children's Heads

The child’s head is larger in proportion to
the rest of the figure than the adult’s.

The forehead and top of the head are much
larger in proportion to the features than those
of the adult.

The contours are all soft, curved lines.

The cheeks are round and full.

The upper lip protrudes.

The nose is round and short, “stubby”.

The eye-brow is light: the hair usually not

The chin is often double.

The neck is fat and creased, but not heavy.

The back view of the child’s head shows
charming curves.

As the child grows, the proportions gradu-
ally become those of the adult.

The curves grow into more definite planes
and sharpen into angles, especially in the
man’s figure and in old people.
