Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Petrie, William M. Flinders [Oth.]
The royal tombs of the first dynasty (Part I): 1900 — London, 1900

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, and the lower, here imperfect, is an unsym-
metrical chisel tt mr. The name is therefore
supposed to be Ncr-mr.

3, The sign W #6T, doubtless a royal name,
following the two baskets ^^ ^^ ; i.e., the title
of the two Mistresses or Lords (?).

4. The Horus name of a king ^^1 , no doubt
reading Z't, "the Snake," not merely '/. This
fuller value of the sign is found as late as the
Pyramid texts of the Vlth Dynasty. In Hiero-
glyphs, p. 24, I have suggested that the zet
snake is the Echis or viper: but on the tablet
of Menes | replaces ^, the cobra Avith dis-
tended hood. | therefore probably represents
the cobra, and this agrees with the drift of
Horapollo's statement (i. 1) that the uraeus was
immortal, eternity being likewise represented
in hieroglyphics by the same word and sign,
^ z-t. Cf. Stories of the High Priests of
Memphis, p. 22.

This is a beautiful specimen of linear en-
graving. It shows the hawk of Horns perched
upon an enclosure with towers in the facade
(i.e., the palace), the hieroglyph composing the
name being represented above the facade, i.e.,
either as actually over it, or more probably as
in the interior of the enclosure. A king is some-
times described as ^„| "the Horus in

the midst of the palace" (Siut, tomb i., 1. 220).
This hieroglyphic figure of the palace, as intended
to bear or enclose the royal name, is termed in



s'rh, meaning "that which
proclaims, makes known " ; and at the king's
accession his "hawk" is said to "manifest itself
upon the s'rh for ever." We may contrast with
this example the treatment of the same thing in
the very old inscriptions of Nar-mer and Mcna
(ISTos. 1, 2), where the form of the design sIioavs
it to have been still more or less elastic. The
symbols of Mena's name are put in the talons of
the hawk, and the second symbol of that of
Nar-mer is thrust down between the towers of
the facade. But soon the style became abso-
lutely fixed ; the hawk is perched on the edge,

and the signs are placed in a clear rectangle
drawn above the facade.

5. Perhaps a private name \jf \ Wp-Js't,

6. c^=, °? Htp-hr; probably a name, hardly
the title c=a=i of xxiv. 47, &c. Cf. perhaps
xxxii. 13.



- Pr-yb-sn, "House of their
hearts (?)," a king's name, with royal titles (4)
and (2). Cf. xxix. 87.




The arrow may here stand for

the title "\7* swn, "physician," followed by the
name Yirh, Aukh. For the form (4' O with
cross-hatching (4'. xii. 2, xxxiv. 14, though
the same sign would seem to stand for © in
pi. xxii., &c. In pi. xxix. 87 O is normal.

9. Perhaps y hs or 'I hsf, or Neit sign.

10. Possibly a version of rnh, cf. v. 2, ix.

2-5 ; or 000 hswt.

PI. v. 1. Mer-neit, written as on the stela;
in 2-7 Neit is written with the crossed arrows
alone (cf. xxxi. 9, 11), as often in O.K.; e.g.
Mae., Mast, 201.

2. The same with '-V pr-hz, "treasury," and

5. The same with ^3} fjfffffjj J/-h\

h't, " Residence," enclosing

7. hz upon

P (?)■



:-If, perhaps a name.


9. 11, 12 show the name l , preceded by
the Ra title, of a king whose Horus name is
^ (see xv. 16). Along with them are the

Horus title



and dual kingdom

titles D of another king (see xxvi. 57),

added in a rather different style, contrasting

especially in 1


(\/\/] .

is probably to be read Sm'ty, "Foreigner,"
or "Desert-man" or "Highlander." It is ren-
dered by r^^(-)j in the New Kingdom; this
would naturally be read Sp'ty, but a form
found in the XVIIIth Dynasty papyrus of Nu
f^TJc^l, Budge, Booh of the Dead, Text, 145,

W' the.
He name is *>

,) of heart.
m and du

lowed by I (

j. The L

cases, and i

.native si<

r name of the
idence. The i
3 | with loop i
|of the narrow fora
lil, Three plover
I, tigs. 84, 41



i i name may possi
R." With it is the
it This title ie
is to be read I
Hm, The la
b examples, is
:WH, "belly


name oi

the (■/„,/;>

!en conside

i 1*


bowelS)" i
