Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the omission of v\. The remaining signs, ^
t\, will be the name of the owner of the seal.
The whole inscription can thus be hypotheti-
cally rendered : " Pleasant teacher, cheering the
heart, Karem."

9. Royal sealing of Khasekhemui, with the

title of an official,
the foreign country.'
tinguished from


r^^i, " overseer of

This title should be dis-

> f^^i, "overseer

rv^^i appears always to mean

ofthe desert."

the sandy deserts outlying Egypt, never " foreign
country." Where r^^i has the latter sense, it

should be read ® fl



r^-o: compare

Mae. Mast. 188, with Spiegelbekg-Poktnek,
Qrabsteine i, p. 1: and for the N. K., Naville,
I), el B. 79, with ibid. 82 ; ibid. 11, with ibid.
81. See, too, Geiffitii, Hieroglyphs, p. 31.

10. Private sealing of one Nezemab, the name
being twice repeated. The first epithet is partly

lost, only the signs

:, "king(?)" and T, "good,"
being still preserved. Between the names, four
signs, which may be compared with Gaestang,
Mahasna, 10, 13. The form of the last hiero-
glyph here does not favour Professor Sethe's


12. Part of sealing of Aty 1 (?). See on

13. A private sealing. The fourfold 1 is
presumably the proper name Aty, cf. Royal
Tombs i, 32, 27, and here 12 (?), and 18. The
two birds, twice found between the names,
appear to be the eagle sign; but one is tempted
to see in them the » > bird, and to render them
as the title " the washer." A second epithet is

j\ |, which we have met previously (cf.
above, on 8). To the extreme right occur two
names „ and ■¥■ !!. Perhaps these were the
names of the parents of Aty.

14. Private sealing. Are we to find the

name of the owner in the groups Nefermaat, as
probably in 24 below, or in the twice recurring

1 (I ? If I in. the latter combination

is to be understood as " stone," the expression
" divine of stone " is strange either as an epithet
or as a name. The name of the magician in the
Westcar Papyrus, Ubaaner " opener of stone,"
is an imperfect analogy.

15. Fragment consisting of the Avord for
" East," in its old spelling.

1G. The only intelligible words are "life" in

its phonetic spelling, and " teacher
on which see 8. 13.

PL x, 17. Private sealing, twice repeated,

belonging to a man

^ (?) Two epithets,

of which the one may signify " great of monu-
ments," and the other " firm of mouth."

18. Private sealing of [ ^ Aty : cf. on 13.

Before the name "......(—»—), the things

of his father" (?) After it the word nu, "hunter,"
which occurs again, determined by r^^i, in 25.
The hieroglyph of the hunter leading a dog may
be illustrated, as Mr. Aykton points out to me,
by the very similar sign in the tomb of Methen
(L. J), ii, 3).

19. Imperfect sealing, the same signs thrice



■ "iiinii


repeated. The name is uncertain.

mean "his mouth is firm" : cf. above 17.
20. Here again the name is uncertain.

and 0 ^K <=> may be understood as " firm of

arm " and " the praised " respectively.

23. Contains ' > 1 y\, with which we are


now familiar.

24. Private sealing of one Nefermaat—a
name which possibly occurs above in 14, and
frequently elsewhere. Of the titles, \ [ perhaps
means " he of the department": § ^=f is
known from the great slate palette (Quibell,
Hieralconpolis i. 29) : and f0 J °^ is a group
found on other early sealings; cf. Quibell,



Mi^frai- c

^ranyrenderings c

iWdd ^ certain; a
Upmost at pre*

jce of a more scier

| xjii. Mr.WEIGAL

||C stele of Auhetabu, 1

itfaussion here.

:; sir, Funereal stele of

; Ik formulae are d<
jrsons are Ay a

ifas, respectively 1

■ Among other persons,

.ifund two women, A'


,xv, 3. Proscynema for
p* of the prince,"

•idle Kingdom,
lema in favour
:of the Vizier").

\ kt somewhat difft
&?, Brit..



^contain the f0]

^ °f the over

*>h it • i.»
'•^ "Ml

■We, ! 'WW' ^

«C mheb-"

Hj froa s'atu

'- **; of *i

'"•; ibid, h