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named ; cf. Legrain, Ann. du Service iv, p.
149. The view of M. Legkain, that the temple
and town so designated are none other than the
temple of Karnak and the town of Thebes (No
Anion), has much to commend it; if it is
correct, then the corps of Tehen-Aten may well
be identical with the corps of Amon, of which
Ave read in the accounts of the battle of Kadesh.
End of XVIIIth Dynasty.

PI. xxii. Canopic jars of the XlXth Dynasty,
inscribed with various names and titles: (1) a
woman, "the dweller of the town, Astnefret";
(2) a woman, Tabakenast; (3) " the field-
labourer Unnefer" ; (4) "the Mai-priest Pa-
unsh "; (5) uncertain; (6) " the workman
of Isis, Urshenu." Prof. Spiegelberg (A. Z.
xxxvii, p. 37) quotes instances of "workmen"
of Amon and Osiris, with which the present
example may be compared. Three jars out of

the six bear the formula " I *nh m the Osiris

N.," which is familiar from ushabti figures, but
very rarely occurs on Canopic jars.

74. PI. xxiv. 1. Five fragments of an
ebony casket, inscribed with portions of at least
three speeches made by a king Sety. In 1B the
god Tanen is addressed, in 1° apparently the
gods of Egypt. On the latter fragment the
following words are legible : " Sety. He says :

Hail to you, hail to...... 0 ye [people (?)],

who are upon this land, I have said to you . . .
. . . ." Fragment 1D mentions " my portable
statue which is in......."

2 gives the titles of Takelot II.

3. Funereal formula pronounced by the
Osiris Hapimen, Roman period.

13. Exhortation to various priests to utter

a prayer for the ^j, Inhor (?). Roman period.

PI. xxv. Stele of " the divine father of
Osiris, the aden-officer, Horpanefer," and his
wife, "the singer of Osiris, Taubenu." In the
second register: " the.....of Osiris, the

waft-priest, Kari (?)," with his sister (i.e. wife),
" the singer of Osiris Tanehasi" ; and three


others. The third register names the father of
Taubenu, " the scribe Hora." XXth (?) Dy-

On the right, inscription from the coffin of

"the Jo, priest of Osiris Upshadtaui, priest of
Horus, avenger of his father, priest of Isis the
great, the mother of the god, priest of Horus,
Buto, and Sekhmet, Imhotep." His father was

"the J)i and priest of Osiris, Horkheb"; his

mother, " the sistrum-player of Khenti Amen-
tiu, Dersh." Ptolemaic.

PI. xxvii.-xxviii. Religious inscriptions from
the tomb of the waft-priest Hordauankh. East
Wall, 11. 1-8, Hymn to Osiris. LI. 50-9 (num-
bered backwards), the Negative Confession,
chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead. LI. 51-
55, praise of Osiris. North Wall, cf. the
photograph, pi. xxviii. 1, Hordauankh praises
Osiris : in place of the usual altar, the four chil-
dren of Horus are represented standing on a
lotus flower. West Wall, speeches of Osiris
and Thoth. XXth (?) Dynasty.

PL xxix. 1. Portion of a stele of the Middle
Kingdom, narrating the merits of one Khety.
The meaning is rendered obscure by lexico-
graphical difficulties, even where the text is not
defective. The following rendering is purely
tentative :—


. . road in his mission. Now when he knoweth

...........(3).......south to Aaaru-n-

maset, north to Shath............(4) . . .

.....in order to take away robbery, by bring-
ing to silence: not cursing, nor striking Avith

the stick........(5).....I heard (?)....

. . . (6)......servant of love, spreading the

love of his lord. It is what happens.......

. . (7)........in the.......nome, as chief

of the districts. Speaking concerning.......

. . (8) his lord. Entering in unto his lord,
Avithout being: announced. His OAvn Avord
announces concerning that Avhich he has brought
to a prosperous issue.........(9) his lord.

_,, for wh(

'm as' a knowing

rt , (ii) Whose i

"gpeaking a word be

^hindering f?)1^

Lealing his property
Lie nome whence I a

Lafter(?) the wife c
L |er whom the poor
[ite son of a great mar
Ij[kr repudiates him in tl
j;:,flve the goods (14) of 1
red him who made su
iat the god loveth upoi

jy mouth......(15)

lie he united with ever}


I? aid upon this [stele], i
Here the fragment cor

iption from an osl
#s, "Thehereditar
p great in his rank.
Min[his]dignity, .

'iml titles, the' s
M to test his reed
1 Pl !ii' The texts h

deficient in p


. -' ^itive, not found
R\ aP' wisse, 14


'^context £^

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^ I6ssi0n> as Prop

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lsPossibly an 'P- 60'