Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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some of the general types of pottery vases in
which the mummied ibises were buried (see
pis. xxxiv and xxxv). No. 5 is the lid of
an infant's coffin, made of coarse clay, such as
were found by Mariette in the southern trench
of the Shuneh (cf. pi. xxviii, 5 and 6).

PI. xxiv, 1A-1E are portions of engraved
ebony from a rifled tomb in Cemetery v.
(No. 2) Inscription on the back of a statuette of
Tekeloth T. (No. 3) Inscription on the footcase
of the cartonnage of Hapi-men, a magnate
of the XXXth Dynasty (Ab. I. lxxix, 9).

4-12. Objects in blue glaze from a foun-
dation deposit of Rameses III. From the
Temple of Osiris.

13. Transcription on the four sides of a
small, headless, limestone crouching statue of
the XXXth Dynasty. From the upper levels
of the Osiris Temenos (1901-2).

PI. xxv. Stele of Hor-pa-nefer and family,
who seem to have been Sudanis; from the
Osiris Temenos. Inscription from lid of coffin of
Imhotep, see Abyclos I, lxxix, 6.

PI. xxvi. Scenes in the tomb of Hor-dedu-
ankh, painted in black line on white stucco.
The roof of the tomb could not be copied, as
it had fallen in.

PI. xxvii. Inscription round the scenes in
the tomb of Hor-dedu-ankh, of the XXIInd
Dynasty (see Chap, on inscriptions).

89. PL xxviii, 1. Photograph of the north
wall of the painted tomb of Hor-dedu-
ankh. The deceased is shown invoking Osiris;
above this is the boat of the sun. (No. 2) A
small head in white limestone from Cemetery v.
From the strong resemblance to a portrait
published by Schaeer, it seems probable that
this may represent Psammetichus I (cf. A. Z.
xxxiii, p. 116).

3. A piece of mud used for sealing a roll of
papyri, scratched with a pointed instrument.
Probably of the XXXth Dynasty. Found in
the rubbish of the south end of the Shuneh.

4. Head of X ekht-hor-heb from the side of

a seated figure of a goddess dedicated by him ;
now in Cairo Museum (Abyclos I, lxx, 12).

5 and 6. Lids of coffins from infant burials.
No. 6 is decorated with a figure of the god Bes
(see pi. xxiii, 5). These were found in the
south of the Shuneh. No. 7, a limestone
statuette of the Ptolemaic period, covered with
gold leaf and having the eyes inlaid with
coloured glass (Cairo Museum).

PL xxix, 1. Inscribed slab of limestone
from the Osiris Temenos. The name of the
person is unfortunately lost. (No. 2) A scarab
from the rubbish of the Middle Fort. (No. 3) is
the mummy label of wood for " Demetrius, son
of Serapias," of the Roman period. (No. 4)
Amulet of the Ka made of greenish glaze.
XXV Ith Dynasty. (No. 5) Inscription on an
ostrakon from the Temenos of Osiris.

PL xxx. A stele of the Ptolemaic period
from the upper levels of the Temple of Osiris,
containing the names of Hor-pa-Makheru, and
Anher, priest of Thoth.

PL xxxA. Inscription in black on an ibis
burial vase, consisting of account for oil and
corn. XXIInd-XXIVth Dynasty.

PL xxxi. Slate and alabaster bowls recon-
structed from fragments found in tomb fx 22 of
the 1st Dynasty (see sect. 77).

90. PL xxxii. In room C of the Middle
Fort were found a number of vases, Avhich are
dated to the Ilnd Dynasty by the large pot
(No. 12) with which they were found. The
types of these pots are given. (Nos. 1, 2, and

Nos. 4 and 5 were found beneath the wall of
the Shuneh in the south-east corner (see text).

Nos. 6 and 7 were found in room A of
the Middle Fort.

No. 11 is from a burial of the Vlth Dynasty
(see pi. xx, 2).

Nos. 18-21 were found against the west
wall of the courtyard of the Middle Fort, and
are probably of the YIth Dynasty. (Polished
red ware.)



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