Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 31.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 131 (February, 1904)
DOI Artikel:
Singer, Hans Wolfgang: Arts and crafts at Dresden
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Arts and Crafts at Dresdeit

it has not proved disappointing. The handsome an inlaid table, frame and inlay of one and the same
little catalogue contains an interesting preface, in wood and tint. The effect is attained merely by
which the aims of the Werkstaetten are enlarged making use of the grain of the wood and placing it
upon. There we read : " If we wish to be not of at different angles in the various inlays,
yesterday nor of to-morrow, but of to-day, we must Riemerschmied's best efforts are the two rooms
not attempt to attain this end by producing some- for the new Saxon Parliament House in course of
thing different from other people, but something erection. They are polychrome, and very effective
better than other people. Whoever examines our —as effective as some of the fine polychrome
designs will recognise the gulf that divides us mediseval church interiors along the Rhine. The
from those who try to be new and nothing more; decoration along the frame of the doors and of the
from the stagey, meaningless and grotesque crea- wainscoting is an incised line ornament, cut in
tions of a vulgar and hasty fancy that strut in about a quarter of an inch deep and then stained
the show windows loudly advertised as represent- in various colours.

ing the 1 Modern' style, or ' Jugend' style, or For the rest I shall limit myself to a very few
' Secessionist' style. The term ' Modern,' as we words of description. The cabinet, by Baillie Scott,
take it, must neither necessarily be restricted to is the principal piece in a morning-room of his, and
fantastic over-decoration nor uncouth oddity, but is executed in pear and elderwood, stained black,
may be used to specify an independent, simple, with inlays of mother-of-pearl, ivory and pewter,
purified, and refined style of workmanship." A bedroom set by Nicolai, pine wood painted

This is a good standpoint to take, and when we white with yellow decoration, is good without being
enter the present exhibition, we are agreeably new; the dining-room by Behrens I should call
surprised at finding so much reserve in the inven- new without being particularly good,
tion of new forms and an almost complete absence The cabinet in the music-room by Prof. Olbrich
of objects made for striking novelty at all costs. is also open to some objections. It is in mahogany,

The hero of the exhibition is Richard Riemer- with inlays of maple, etc. The designer's display
schmied, by whom there are about a dozen different of inventive powers is rather meagre, and the
creations to be seen. Several of these are small notion of turning the inlaid semi-circles with their
courtyards. Within the inner precincts of large bases out is not a happy one. The sideboard by
cities such small areas are frequently to be found, Mr. Schaudt's is a much less pretentious piece of
much too small to be treated as gardens, and furniture, but it has found favour with the public
scarcely large enough for a yard. But few hardy more readily than anything else almost,
evergreens can be made
to grow in them, and
generally they are unpre-
possessing, and neglected.
Riemerschmied furnishes
two examples of how
they can be turned, with
the help of very little
material and much taste,
into delightful places.

Among the furnished
rooms by Riemerschmied
items still occasionally turn
up that are not convincing,
where one is moved to ask
the question, " why was it
necessary to give this thing
such an—let us be polite,
and say unconventional
shape!" On the other hand,
there are also some ex-
cellent pieces of furniture
by him on view : notably drawing-room designed by r. riemerschmied
