Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 223 (October 1911)
DOI Artikel:
On some designs for seaside bungalows
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Designs for Seaside Bungalows

arranged. It is a pity, per-
haps, that none of his bed-
rooms are larger than 12 ft. by
11 ft., although no doubt
many people would find that
sufficient in a case of this
kind, when a certain amount
of furniture ordinarily found
necessary might be dispensed

So much for the designs we
have selected for illustration.
Among the others are some
which possess good points for
which credit should be given,
though in some cases the good
points are obscured by faulty

"Cathy" sends what is a design for seas.de bungalow
good plan on the whole,

though the custom that obtains in certain London arranged his space for cloaks and hats near the
flats of allowing the servant's bedroom to be entrance, and that the aspect of the larder had
entered from the kitchen is not one to be com- been north rather than west. In " Chansit's " some-
mended. " MDCL " only provides three bed- what hardly drawn set one notices that the opening
rooms. He sends a design, illustrated by a from the hall to the kitchen lobby is only 2 ft.
somewhat weak perspective, of a simple and quiet wide. It is not good planning to allow a hall
character, with brick-mullions to the windows, facing the sea to be entered direct without the
"Posset's" hall would be insufficiently lighted protection of a porch or vestibule. " Shielin's"
from the turret balcony on the roof, and it would plan is a simple and direct one, consisting of a
be quite impossible to find head-room under the parallelogram with the living-rooms reached from
stairs to reach the bedroom at the south-east a corridor at the rear of the building. His interior
corner. The direct access between the kitchen coal-cellar is not a very good feature,
and the dining-room is not a good feature. "Conwyn's" kitchen, 12 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in., is
" Borneo" sends a good plan with economy of equally on the small side with his motor-house,
passage and corridor area. It has a quiet stone- which is only 12 ft. long. The living-hall, 23 ft.
mullion treatment with thatched, roof. One could by 18 ft, is lighted by windows under a verandah
wish that he had as might have been done) roof, and by a light over a low roof at the fireplace
