Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Resolution of the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Ulm

The public was informed on February 22nd, 1963 of a decision
made by the Cabinet of the Province Baden-Württemberg. Accord-
ing to this decision the existence of the Hochschule für Gestaltung
(Ulm School of Design) would be possible only under the condition
that it be combined with Ulm State Technical School into a co-
operative unit. The members of the Hochschule für Gestaltung take
the following Position with regard to this decision:
The decision of the Council of Ministers is for the undersigned
members of the Hochschule für Gestaltung not acceptable.
There are too strong contradictions contained in the Cabinet pro-
posal for it to be considered convincing. On the one hand the HfG
is promised “relative“ autonomy, on the other hand the absurdity of
the proposal is brought out by the fact that the rector of the HfG, if
there would be such a Position at all, is subordinate to another
director. Our interest is not a puppet-autonomy but a real autonomy.
Within this proposed construction it is excluded that the HfG can
complete its pedagogical mission and develop dynamically since
administrative and pedagogical autonomy are inseparable.
It is argued that a transfer of the HfG as an autonomous institution
under State administration would be more expensive than com-
bining it with other institutions. Recent information obtained from
authorities in the Ministry of Culture, charged with investigating this
case, States that this is untrue.
The allegation that the HfG is incapable of autonomous self-
administration, which is attempted to be proven by its 1.4 Million DM
deficit, is a slander. It can be shown that the HfG has conducted its
administration in an unobjectionable männer. Debts were
contracted by the GSS foundation the only admitted administrative
structure in control of the HfG. This foundation not only mis-
conducted financial politics but also failed to disclose the contents
of its documents to the HfG and aid it to participate in its affairs.
The suggested hope of an all encompassing Ulm University is
deceptive in the foreseeable future since there is no objective
basis for the realization of such a plan. If the project of an all
encompassing Ulm University was seriously intended there would
be no need of a detour via a cooperative unit HfG/Ulm State
Technical School.
There is only one form to furtherthe future existence of the HfG:
An autonomous institution at university level under State adminis-
tration. The final decision on this matter has to be given to the
Parliament in a session at the beginning of March 1968. If the
Parliament ratifies the proposal of the Cabinet, the members of the
HfG declare the following:

The undersigned members of the HfG — as stated in former decla-
rations — are not willing to accept the dictates of the government.
The members of the HfG have decided, that the HfG as an inter-
national center of teaching, research and development in environ-
mental design will cease to exist in Ulm as an institutional organism
on September 30,1968.
The members of the HfG are decided to conclude their activity
at the HfG on September 30,1968 and in no männer whatsoever will
continuethe “HfG“ under the dictated conditions.
The members of the HfG declare that the true reasons for the death
of the HfG are not of a financial but a political nature.
The members of the HfG protest against the cynicism which
accuses of suicide while really a cultural political murder is taking
Responsible for the death of the HfG is its legal and financial
supporting institution, the GSS foundation, inasmuch as year after
year it conducted arbitrary and for the HfG disastrous financial
Responsible for the death of the HfG are conservative opinion
forming circles within the City of Ulm, which have the interest
of making the HfG into a pawn for local political ambitions.
Responsible for the death of the HfG is the government and many
members of the Baden-Württemberg Parliament because of their
fundamentally negative attitude towards the HfG and their
ineradicable lack of comprehension.
Responsible for the death of the HfG is the federal Government
in Bonn, which followed with suspicious readiness the proposal of
Tröger (constitutional expert who maintains the Position that the
federal government should not interfere with the educational
matters of the provinces) which does in reality not apply to the
HfG. For the HfG is a common responsibility of the federal and
provincial governments if only because of its 50 % of foreign
These four groups, despite the recognition and support the HfG
has found nationally and internationally, have finally achieved their
aims and are now responsible for the liquidation of the Hochschule
für Gestaltung.
Ulm, 23 February, 1968,

Accepted by the plenar assembly of the HfG (with 4 Student absten-
tions) and signed by Staff and students of the HfG.
